Got any crane jobs coming up l'il gal? Wait!!!!....better check with Tom Lasagna...cause....I got NO CRANE
Thank God for Tom View attachment 938146
What are you 55 now? Man when I was a kid 55 was real fkn old. Thank God I never got old.
Reversing. I took a wrong turn, and just needed to back up another foot or two -- saw a smallish rock and figured, whatever, went over it, and I see the chipper fall into a whole! Shoulda coulda woulda gotten out and looked first! The "little rock" was the top of a boulder in a line of boulders on the side of a 5 ft. deep ditch, hidden in tall swamp grass and blackberries. The pindle hitch kept it from tolling over completely. Long story short, took two different tow trucks and now my Bandit 1390 XP is in the shop, for a new axel and fender assembly. The axel was bent enough to screw up the wheel alignment and stress other parts; plus towing a 8500 lb chipper at 70 mph, you really don't want to worry about bearings seizing and wheels flying off...How did that come about?
Reversing or speeding?
I can just picture a once a year crane job with the Quesidilla Tree Company. Lasagna shows up with his sparkling new (read high interest rate financed) crane. Pauline goes "here is the we gonna get it outta here"....Lasagna goes "fk if I know ...I ain't no tree man"...looks at Mats and gets a confused look. Looks at Splinter and he says "I got nuthin Boss". Homeowners looking out the window skeered to death. Pauline says "I heard of something called a choker...anybody got one?" 4 meat heads shake side to side. In short order sirens are blaring, the local news is there and the crime scene looks like this...
View attachment 938151
while the crane was going over Pauline yelled "I looked on my phone and did you check the load chart?"
Lasagna was heard to yell "Whaaaaaatttss a Looooooooad Chaaaaart?".
It might be funny if it wasn't so sad...(nah it is real funny).