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Sweet! mine sat in a barn for 10 years too, unfortunately it was a barn full of Rats! Still low miles and from down by Rope in Arkysauce so no salt. -------------------------------------------- Almost forgot, that Oak made a mess from hell. Nothing like stone dead red Oak to give you rakings a foot deep. Anybody else have the broom rake for the branch manager grapple? Sure came in handy today.

Not sure where it sat, no signs of the critters tho! first thing I looked for!
Yep, New BFG's are about 240 here! so I thought it was a score! WT is a big wheeler, has a bunch of the 96-97 parts, so I call him with the list, he had them all! Hopefully it wont cost to much to get the mechanics taken care of. I figure that ill dump about a grand into it right away, replace all durables and good tuneup, all fluids changed, u-joints and brakes, and exhaust, everything works, just sitting that long, I just know it will start havin issues before to long, get them before they get me!

we love pictures :msp_thumbsup:
Not trying to count my chickens but I have to say it maybe that I get to write a article about EAB. It would be circulated and geared to the community. At this point I don't know much about deadlines or things of that nature, I did grab a couple writing manuals soes I cood fuger owt wot whas goon awn. I figured at least I would learn a good deal. I missed out on some classes, one was the climbing rescue class( I am not looking to take that at the moment), another was Disease. I did register for an arborist accompanied walk through in an ID and association class after my surgery. I should be at least on crutches possibly doing better by then and I thought it would be cool. I like the spring walk through over the classroom type ID class. I couldn't tell much from a bunch a twigs while sitting in a chair . And it was a hard ass chair and the droning on and on from the poor instructor who had to keep rattling off every last freaking tree God ever let live in one dam day.:dizzy:
You know I am kinda dissapointed ISA took the ID part out of their test, after all these years I was almost looking forward to it. Well, that is if I ever do take it.
The rain has ceased, it looks, enough to get a little job done.The new rake man is expected at 10. We have some ornaments to tidy up. I hope the weather holds for Saturday. We are going to chop down a couple damaged black birch and move the logs. If I get to survive by Monday I am parking my stuff on a job for a spell.
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I rolled the dice on CL looking for a low level rake man. Well I got what I was looking for plus a forestry student has skill, desire and who needs the flexible hours.
The student guy seems allright but the 25 year old rake man is pretty interesting and downright haunting. The kid told me that a few years back he was tossed off his quadrunner and suffered a brain impalement of some kind, I didn't ask. He said he was in coma, trachyotomy, slowed speach,poor motor functions. This was obvious to me that he had brain damage.
He is a local kid, graduated from here, and sent me an impressive resume. Fork lift operater?
He brought his little daughter to persuade me to give him a job.:msp_sad: I can't imagine going through what he went through, its not like I am a stranger to danger... which is why I kept my ass off bikes with motors. I doubt I would look and feel as good as I do ifn I starting messing with them things. So I gave him a rake and told him to be ready when it stops raining.

I hope this works out for both of you. I commend you for hiring someone with an obvious disability.

I spent yesterday working for Habitat with a 26 year old "kid" who was working off his community hours for possession.....this person also had a disability of some kind that was componded by substance abuse. Could not even hold a hammer right to pound nails or keep count of the number of spindles we were loading into a wheelbarrow. Ability to lift anything was impaired as he was maybe 125 lbs and all skin and bone; I am double his age and can still hump stuff when required. Ate lunch and got sick to his stomach. I feel sorry for people like that...I doubt his IQ was much more than room temp.
I doubt his IQ was much more than room temp.

I have had a number of such people work for me at different companies. As long as everyone knows the score they can be the best employees you can ever want. Too often people with more smarts then they know what to do with get board with menial jobs and start to slack off (what choo lookin at ME for!?!), but once the simple man understand his responsibilities he can be counted on to do them without complaint. I managed for both a "security" company (read rent-a-guard) and janitorial. Every so often I would have to take a few of the clients people off to the side and explain how ridiculing the labor was unbecoming.

For that matter we had a few teachers working as office cleaners in the off season. Had to burst a few suits bubble when the made this one lady cry. "do either of you have a double masters? Do either of you work with special ed kids every day? What is is that you actually provide for society"

"oh by the way, your department president greets her on a first name basis...."
Finally got out to make some money with the new truck. Pretty pumped. Wish it had about ten more feet of stick though. Was hoping to get all these spruces in one setup and some of the tops I took, were a little on the heavy side. No real complaints though.

Finally got out to make some money with the new truck. Pretty pumped. Wish it had about ten more feet of stick though. Was hoping to get all these spruces in one setup and some of the tops I took, were a little on the heavy side. No real complaints though.


Nice 3k bro ? Is that asplundh truck boom? Yeah you always need more stick if I win the lotto I want an Elliot with about 125' of stick! Looks like blakes is a bucket baby now lol:cheers:
I have had a number of such people work for me at different companies. As long as everyone knows the score they can be the best employees you can ever want. Too often people with more smarts then they know what to do with get board with menial jobs and start to slack off (what choo lookin at ME for!?!), but once the simple man understand his responsibilities he can be counted on to do them without complaint. I managed for both a "security" company (read rent-a-guard) and janitorial. Every so often I would have to take a few of the clients people off to the side and explain how ridiculing the labor was unbecoming.

For that matter we had a few teachers working as office cleaners in the off season. Had to burst a few suits bubble when the made this one lady cry. "do either of you have a double masters? Do either of you work with special ed kids every day? What is is that you actually provide for society"

"oh by the way, your department president greets her on a first name basis...."

amen brother ben
I have had a number of such people work for me at different companies. As long as everyone knows the score they can be the best employees you can ever want. Too often people with more smarts then they know what to do with get board with menial jobs and start to slack off (what choo lookin at ME for!?!), but once the simple man understand his responsibilities he can be counted on to do them without complaint. I managed for both a "security" company (read rent-a-guard) and janitorial. Every so often I would have to take a few of the clients people off to the side and explain how ridiculing the labor was unbecoming.

For that matter we had a few teachers working as office cleaners in the off season. Had to burst a few suits bubble when the made this one lady cry. "do either of you have a double masters? Do either of you work with special ed kids every day? What is is that you actually provide for society"

"oh by the way, your department president greets her on a first name basis...."

Yeah, some suits have personalities of a :monkey: I feel education should broaden one's outlook upon others less fortunate. I feel compassion should be obtained with education or the student really did not learn much. What little I have learned in my life has made me aware of how little I know but even if I obtained a doctorate, I feel I would remain grounded. I feel the years of hard labor would see to it!
so many MBA programs lack any ethical (or thoughtful) curriculum, one of a number of reason I went to UWM; even though some of the "breath" requirements drive me nuts....

The fact that it is 20 min away, in light traffic, had a lot to do with it too. (everything is 20 min in MKE county. Traffic may add 10-15 min to a trip)
The F-350 dump, I have a new cab for it, just waiting on it getting nicer, Cab corners are shot. The F-700, need to finish painting that, then they will both get lettered. The new 97 will be lettered in a couple weeks.
Still cant believe I got that for so cheap, been watching for them and they hold around 5g's
Finally got out to make some money with the new truck. Pretty pumped. Wish it had about ten more feet of stick though. Was hoping to get all these spruces in one setup and some of the tops I took, were a little on the heavy side. No real complaints though.


What was the matter with it?
Here ya go

I was going to just come right out and say that I think the name sucks so I gave close scrutiny to the dictionary to see if I could figure out why anyone wouldn't really believe in their hearts that using a name like that would only inspire every low rent sob out there to call looking for El Cheapo himself.

The dictionary did the word 'economy' good justice and from the looks of it, Greenbeen has a seemingly decent outfit. I was about to let it go but something did not feel right. The dictionary desribed the word to have good conotation but for some reason I still felt it was a dark bad word.

So I checked the thesaurus and BOY! MAN! I wouldn't want that on my truck. I do have to say that the guys around here with those kinds of names just use box vans and Poulans , it looks like you are above that. I hope so cause I meet guys all the time waving the ISA cert in lieu of know how. I am confused to why a sincere arborist would put such a name on his truck.
I was going to just come right out and say that I think the name sucks so I gave close scrutiny to the dictionary to see if I could figure out why anyone wouldn't really believe in their hearts that using a name like that would only inspire every low rent sob out there to call looking for El Cheapo himself.

The dictionary did the word 'economy' good justice and from the looks of it, Greenbeen has a seemingly decent outfit. I was about to let it go but something did not feel right. The dictionary desribed the word to have good conotation but for some reason I still felt it was a dark bad word.

So I checked the thesaurus and BOY! MAN! I wouldn't want that on my truck. I do have to say that the guys around here with those kinds of names just use box vans and Poulans , it looks like you are above that. I hope so cause I meet guys all the time waving the ISA cert in lieu of know how. I am confused to why a sincere arborist would put such a name on his truck.

Yeah Its disproportionate to his posting, around here we got fiddy&up and mo affordable,budget econo and all sorts, too many for the customer base :dizzy: I thought of calling mine No-drugs tree service lol:cheers:

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