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I closed the gate to a fenced in area on an estimate once and a Scottie attacked me with bare teeth.
I stepped outta the fence and said thru the gate "I give up ole boy" :hmm3grin2orange:

We can be mean! My F-I-L wants a Scottie, I keep asking if that is what he thinks of me, beings he has 2 son in laws named scott!

Anybody tried or seen those new round red Sherrill throw balls yet, they not supposed to be out til May?

I want those to, brand spankin new balls!, should leave the Big Shot better
I want those to, brand spankin new balls!, should leave the Big Shot better

I agree. I got a bag and line stuck in the wiring of a transformer on Fri. and when I wiggled it around I was worried about either getting electrocuted as it was wet, or blowing the transformer.

Finally I climbed way over it and got it free, lowered it down and gm cut the bag off and I could pull it out.
Well I'm knackered, me poor old backs aching.
I just turned nasty a pile of logs into fire wood, twas flippin sugar gum ya mall will just bounce on this stuff green or dry. All had to be crosscut noodles galore. Its getting on autumn winter soon twas time to get me pile of wood in order.

I always tend to hurt in the low back after a good mauling it made the tw6 no so bad of investment:)
I agree. I got a bag and line stuck in the wiring of a transformer on Fri. and when I wiggled it around I was worried about either getting electrocuted as it was wet, or blowing the transformer.

Finally I climbed way over it and got it free, lowered it down and gm cut the bag off and I could pull it out.

Wow bro you gotta be careful there, have you ever seen a transformer blow? It sends flaming oil everywhere and shrapnel too!
I have seen a few go, and you are right, like a atom bomb going off with green flames! and LOUD! We had a squirrel get on one on our street, somehow it caused the transformer to go, not sure how that happened! Right in the middle of the Firecracker 400 at Daytona, I was pissed! We didnt get power back for 2 days!
I have seen a few go, and you are right, like a atom bomb going off with green flames! and LOUD! We had a squirrel get on one on our street, somehow it caused the transformer to go, not sure how that happened! Right in the middle of the Firecracker 400 at Daytona, I was pissed! We didnt get power back for 2 days!

Well if the short ignites the oil inside boom a fuse sounds like a shot gun but if the can explodes it is like a large grenade.
Wow bro you gotta be careful there, have you ever seen a transformer blow? It sends flaming oil everywhere and shrapnel too!

I have blown 2 of them in all the years. Very impressive noise and people come out to find out who shut their electric off. You start worrying about a lynch mob.
Went into town today in hopes of meeting with a client who owes money. He never showed or called, so I went and helped a friend to deal with some dead trees at his parents house. Got some free food and some fuel money out of the deal which works just fine for me, as it's a good friend. Plus I picked up a BS half day job for the neighbors later this coming week since I'll be in the area anyways. Got home to find out that I was approved for an almost 6K willow removal that I looked at yesterday. Hoping to put another 2K on the ticket with a willow next door, but we shall see sure would be nice though... do both trees from 1 setup. Need to call the crane company in the morning to get it going.
I ####ed off today...

welcome to my world:dizzy: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok I lied. I got so bored that I went and cleaned up the yard a little(played with a borrowed Bobcat S250) and cut and split 5-6 Facecord. It was so nice out that I had to.
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Went into town today in hopes of meeting with a client who owes money. He never showed or called, so I went and helped a friend to deal with some dead trees at his parents house. Got some free food and some fuel money out of the deal which works just fine for me, as it's a good friend. Plus I picked up a BS half day job for the neighbors later this coming week since I'll be in the area anyways. Got home to find out that I was approved for an almost 6K willow removal that I looked at yesterday. Hoping to put another 2K on the ticket with a willow next door, but we shall see sure would be nice though... do both trees from 1 setup. Need to call the crane company in the morning to get it going.

Want to see a pict of a 6k willow. I have taken some 6 foot dia black and weepers down but it has been many years. They can be awful delicate in the big branches. Good luck getting that second tree to help pay the crano.

I called a guy up yesterday that owed me 4k and woke up thinkin he did not call me back. He lives on a big estate and we had some probs a couple of years ago where I went to collect and he tried to hand me quite a bit less cause it was cash.

I went off on him a little bit and got my money so I am thinking he is trying to get back on me. Called him at a decent time around noon and he answered and all is well. Got that pit of the stomach feeling for a short time that I haven't had for a while.

Oh well, all is good.
These people called a friend of mine earlier in the week who went and looked at it. He told them it was beyond his abilities and told them to call me. I went yesterday to look and then called another friend up about hauling the logs. He then calls me this morning to say he is on his way over to look at the same tree. He calls me back a short while later and says it's beyond his abilities and also told them to call me. When I say beyond their abilities, I mean they could do it, but it would take them forever. Probably 5 or 6' diameter at the base, and it was topped out about 7 years ago so everything there is sucker growth going over a shed. Right now it's all of 50' tall max. I'm betting with a 50 ton crane I'll have it over and done with by lunch. If I can get the tree next door that would be bonus. However I've got a couple jobs up the road that would be nice fillers... 4 or 5 picks each.
Yesterday was so nice! I washed all our trucks, cleaned the rims, FYI-Meguairs (sp?) rim cleaner is awesome! Worked on the new truck.Tune up, Throttle pos sensor, throttle body gasket.Tool box mounted, hitch ready to mount (new there was a reason I kept extra plow mount hardware, plenty of big grade 8's! Truck had been sitting on a farm in a barn (im a poet but didnt know it) Had the grime all over the interior, had a kid clean it real nice, Need to get the hitch mounted, insurance going(today) and she will be hooked in marriage to the dump trailer!
These people called a friend of mine earlier in the week who went and looked at it. He told them it was beyond his abilities and told them to call me. I went yesterday to look and then called another friend up about hauling the logs. He then calls me this morning to say he is on his way over to look at the same tree. He calls me back a short while later and says it's beyond his abilities and also told them to call me. When I say beyond their abilities, I mean they could do it, but it would take them forever. Probably 5 or 6' diameter at the base, and it was topped out about 7 years ago so everything there is sucker growth going over a shed. Right now it's all of 50' tall max. I'm betting with a 50 ton crane I'll have it over and done with by lunch. If I can get the tree next door that would be bonus. However I've got a couple jobs up the road that would be nice fillers... 4 or 5 picks each.

Six grand by noon, and then on to three more jobs? Well, I guess we dont have to worry about you being a low-baller! lol. :cheers:
Looking for a new job......still

Went out and bought norton Anti Virus for the new laptop-really went to buy McAfee which had a 60 day free trial which ran out today, and decided i'd rather save $10. Also got a friend who works for MicroSoft to send me a copy of Office 2010 for $30 which sure beats the $129 they wanted to activiate the starter addition in this machine. Pisses me off-I bought a copy of Office 2007 with the last computer but can't reuse it. A scam.
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Six grand by noon, and then on to three more jobs? Well, I guess we dont have to worry about you being a low-baller! lol. :cheers:

$1500 for the crane.
$600 for a 30 yard can, then several hundred $ to a buddy to haul off the rest... wood would have cost me close to $1000 by the end of the job.
$600 for the stump... 1 hr +/- with RG100 on the way to another job
$X for me and 2 guys, if we're there till 4 then so be it, but I know we'd be gone and on to the next job by 1 at the absolute latest.

Unless there are extenuating circumstances I get paid a higher rate for the entire day when the crane comes in, I don't care if I'm only there till 1. If I can tack on another job afterwards to put another thousand iny my pocket that makes me even happier.
$1500 for the crane.
$600 for a 30 yard can, then several hundred $ to a buddy to haul off the rest... wood would have cost me close to $1000 by the end of the job.
$600 for the stump... 1 hr +/- with RG100 on the way to another job
$X for me and 2 guys, if we're there till 4 then so be it, but I know we'd be gone and on to the next job by 1 at the absolute latest.

Unless there are extenuating circumstances I get paid a higher rate for the entire day when the crane comes in, I don't care if I'm only there till 1. If I can tack on another job afterwards to put another thousand iny my pocket that makes me even happier.

Good gravy man 600 for a stump geeze I need to do stumps up there :cry:
Good gravy man 600 for a stump geeze I need to do stumps up there :cry:

Most guys I talk with are around $5 - $7 per inch for just grinding, maybe a little more. I like to figure $100 per foot for the monsters. The tough to reach stuff is $20 per inch. For clean-up I tell them $100 per yard in or out.

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