Well as I stated in an earlier post, my father-in-law gave me a Stihl 015, and I couldn't keep it running... NO WONDER. I cracked the case open and wow, what a cruddy mess. Fuel line brittle and cracked, couldn't even see the carb. until I scraped away oil-caked dust. The entire saw needs a bath, which leads me to my next question. How do I TOTALLY clean this thing. I'm talking about the entire case etc... I'm going to get a tune-up kit for the carb. and I know how to take care of that. I'm just not sure what to use on the rest of the saw.
Another thing I was surprised to see was how the bar/chain is held on. I took the one nut off the cover and there is another metal cover held on with another nut. It had an arrow on the metal denoting which way to turn the nut to get it off (I believe counter-clockwise), but I tried holding that round cover with channel locks, and had a socket on the nut, but could not break the nut. My 028 doesn't have that round metal cover on the sprocket. You pull the cover on that and there is the chain riding on the sprocket... real easy.
Oh, and to ??? from the last post. My bad, as the saw is metal and not made of plastic as I originally thought.
Another thing I was surprised to see was how the bar/chain is held on. I took the one nut off the cover and there is another metal cover held on with another nut. It had an arrow on the metal denoting which way to turn the nut to get it off (I believe counter-clockwise), but I tried holding that round cover with channel locks, and had a socket on the nut, but could not break the nut. My 028 doesn't have that round metal cover on the sprocket. You pull the cover on that and there is the chain riding on the sprocket... real easy.
Oh, and to ??? from the last post. My bad, as the saw is metal and not made of plastic as I originally thought.