Just have to know what something is worth before bidding at an auction. Some folks just cant control themselfs. That auctioneer babble is designed to confuse folks and keep the excitement level up too. I like to cruise the auction site before bidding starts. I can look everything over and decide what I am willing to pay and set my maximum bid price before I start bidding. I also use strategies to run bidders out. I'll slow bid if there is more than one other person bidding. I feel this puts a seed a of doubt in the other bidders mind that the item might not be worth what they think it is. Of course this can backfire if the other bidder thinks I am about to drop out. If its just me and one other bidder, I bid fast and furious up to my maximum bid amount. Sometimes this makes the other bidder mad because I out bid them so fast and they will just give up. If the other bidder stays with me, I might jump the bid by a hundred or two, to make them think twice about bidding again. As long as I am under my maximum bid. I dont know if any strategies really work, but I like watching how other folks react under pressure. I have seen folks stomp off grumbleing and some so mad you think you might have to fight your way out. My goal is to not pay more than I have to and not to go over my predetermined maximum numbers I came up with before the bidding started. And I have seen bidding start higher then what I considered maximum value, if so, I just set back and see what the item brings.
Dangest thing I ever saw was two brothers bidding against each other. I went to the auction with them so I knew what they where looking to buy. there was only one of that items in the auction and they needed it pretty bad. Well the bidding started and pretty soon it was down to just two bidders and it turns out the brothers where bidding against each other. They had run the price up a few hundered dollars before they figured out what was going on. I think the auctioneer had already figured it out first. Everybody got a good laugh when the auctioneer announced to one brother, ****, (I guess I have to say Richard instead) you aint going to let David out bid you are you. The look on the brothers face was priceless.