I also have the predecessor 025, which I have used and abused as a homeowner for almost 30 years now. (I did have to replace the coil at one point, and a few years back I upgraded the P&C to the slightly larger MS250 jug after my son started twiddling with the mixture screws.) For several years, it was my only saw and got used to make occasional cuts longer than the bar and even did some free-hand milling with it.
However, it was also the saw that convinced me to buy bigger saws, although it is still the most used saw I have. I would not recommend fitting a bar longer than 16" -- it starts to struggle a bit with the 16" bar buried. (I never tried it with anything but the stock .325" chain and sprocket.) But for anything up to, say, 12" or 14" diameter, it's my saw of choice. For bigger stuff, I can borrow back the MS361 Pro (I gave it to another of my sons when he bought property and needed a saw, but it's still one of my favourites). I had an MS290 Farm Boss (stolen) and have an 084 (mostly for milling).
One of my other sons bought the MS261CM when it came out. There were some glitches with it at first, but after a trip or two to the dealer, that's all sorted now. I really like that saw too. A bit heavier than the MS250 for sure, but smoother, more powerful, and lighter than the MS290. It easily handles the 18" bar. If I lost all my saws and was starting over, I would give this one serious consideration as the first purchase. It is definitely more money, but the MS250 is currently retailing for about the same price as I paid for the 025 thirty years ago. So considering the rate of inflation...
As for Echo, I personally would not buy one. We had 2 dealers in this area, but they both dropped Echo in part because of difficulties trying to collect on the supposed 5 year consumer warranty. Reportedly Echo can be reluctant to honour it. Stihl dealers are plentiful and the warranty, while shorter, is worth the paper it's printed on. But that's just my 2¢.