What do you think about lettering my truck this way

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Right now it looks like paint it is on the lights, the door handles, the emblems, everything.

the door handles and emblem where already painted over. the right side marker I did hit, Because I did not have time to take everything off and sand it down to metal.

Like I said we are using it this week for a tree that is almsot entirely dead and there is no way I am climbing a tree that has the possibility of one of the limbs going while I am in it.

I did use a sprayer and my air compressor. Like I said I only sprayed the places that had bare metal or spots of rust I couldn't get sand it out without more time put in. And I don't have time to sand it all the way down,primer and tape it up. I while see if I can find a pic of my old cutlass that I painted.I am not sure if I have any pics though since it was stolen a few years back and they messed it up pretty good.

so I somewhat have an idea on how to paint., and no I am probably not gonna go to all the trouble of pulling out the dent on the front fender. That would be a huge waste of time on an old work truck. We have nicer trucks for the estimates. This is a work truck it will drive from our property to the job and back to the property. Thats it. Not all over town.

Oh yeah I just thought I would post some pictures of our property. It's almost 7 acres inside a highly urbanized area. So take a guess at how much that cost. But we will never make it and will be living with our parents the rest of our life.

By the way that property is paid in full we have no payments on it and cost more then most will make in 1-2 seasons.

Bash all you want we don't care. and no I will not go out and waste my money on brand new trucks that I do not have a use for so you guys can say I am professional. Like another person said all I need is rope saw saddle and some rigging blocks and I can do 90% of what others do with the $100,000+ dollars truck.

Because as I said before I actually know how to climb.

So get bash me all you want I am already ten steps ahead of most and I have a good idea most of your trucks look worse then mine, because I have yet to so hardly any pics on here whenever people ask to see pics of your trucks and the way that a lot of you talk like you are high and mighty if you had nice trucks they would be posted everywhere. So you could show off how superior you are.

By the way I am just under 30 years old and have done more then a lot of people will do in there whole life. In many cases you can put 2-3 peoples lives together and I have done more.

Oh yeah almost forgot you are all welcome. It is because of people like me that you all can live in the sheltered little life you livein and believe that the only things that matter in life are you and your shiny new second mortgages(your trucks).

No need to thank me! Just thank everyone you see that has fought for your right to be an @$$
since we are going to our website and looking at stump cuts.

Look at that the stump is cut flat and it went where I wanted, But nothing was in the way of getting hit. Oh No Another Hack Job.

So i guess because I cut that one flat and used my wedges when felling that I must be the greatest tree cutter ever.

Again get over yourself and don't pic and choose which pic to show, if there is another pic that looks just fine.

Well I wish I had all the time in the world to sit on here and talk about how I am a legend in my own mind like most on here. But I actually have a business to run. So even though it is winter I still have work to do, even if it is less then in the season.

If you would like I can give you a play by play of what a day in the life of a business owner is like.

Later and thanks to the few who have lives and don't just sit on Arborsite all day becuase they can't get any work.

You're starting to dig youself into a hole with some of your comments. I was defending you before but now, not so sure. Your truck needs to be fixed up better (dents and paint fixed) before you put it to use. It looks very unprofessional - even for an "old work truck". Old trucks can look very professional if they look nice. I respect guys with older equipment that looks nice. Old stuff that looks like crud; however, deserves no respect - neither from the general public nor from members of this forum. You're wasting your breath defending that truck as it is to this group. Fix it up, re-post some photos and then, ask our opinion. Until then, don't ask for input if you aren't willing to take some constructive criticism. Granted, some of these guys have no clue what constructive criticism is but some of us do. We have given you helpful pointers and you apparently don't care that we are trying to help your business.

As for the photos on your website. Anyone can cut down a tree with nothing around it. Your photos don't show anything much in regards to why a customer should hire you vs any other joe saw owner. If you climb, get some photos of you climbing. When you get your truck fixed up, get some photos of it in use. If you rig, get some photos of rigging branches down. Photos of an incorrect back cut and a tree laying over a sidewalk are not overly impressive though and might actually have a negative connotation to them. I think your website would be better without them.

P.S. - take a breath, take this all in and calm down. The big bold print implies that you are getting rather pi$$ed off at the world. There's still some good advice on this forum for you to benefit from if you want to.
TKO.......that truck looks like crap with that paint job, what that says to me as a customer is that you might do my tree work like you did that truck, halfazzed, I have an old truck also and it looked about like yours when I got it but I spent the money to have it painted and replaced missing parts to make it look presentable and that's what you need to do, I was under the impression that it would be painted right, not a scratch and shoot spot shot, get the thing painted right rather you do it or pay someone.

this was the day I drove it home and it never saw a jobsite in that condition


just to show after some paint and other stuff

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my 1.5 cents...

Hey TKO -
Have you considered a chipper / dumpbed truck combo? You may get more money's worth than the bucket truck. Getting the tree down is only half of the battle....
Also - be careful with posting 'names' on your pictures (jpg.) on your website. On some of the pics, you have the file saved with the HO's last name, and an address visible in the picture. You had better have written permission for those images posted online...
I would focus on your pics of you (or whoever) in the PPE, that is a good selling point. And stumps cut more 'flush' for your 'after shots.'
Finally - agree with above posters. Just relax, everyone has their opinions. Be careful with offering 'golden glove' competitions in the street - like posted earlier, some of these guys ain't right in the head...I can remember when a dude was talking sh!t to old dirty, and olddirty called his bluff - that other dude doesn't post here, anymore, lol....
Best of luck, man. You don't need the expensive equip if you do the job right. And if you did serve, I certainly tip my stocking cap to you.

You're starting to dig youself into a hole with some of your comments. I was defending you before but now, not so sure. Your truck needs to be fixed up better (dents and paint fixed) before you put it to use. It looks very unprofessional - even for an "old work truck". Old trucks can look very professional if they look nice. I respect guys with older equipment that looks nice. Old stuff that looks like crud; however, deserves no respect - neither from the general public nor from members of this forum. You're wasting your breath defending that truck as it is to this group. Fix it up, re-post some photos and then, ask our opinion. Until then, don't ask for input if you aren't willing to take some constructive criticism. Granted, some of these guys have no clue what constructive criticism is but some of us do. We have given you helpful pointers and you apparently don't care that we are trying to help your business.

As for the photos on your website. Anyone can cut down a tree with nothing around it. Your photos don't show anything much in regards to why a customer should hire you vs any other joe saw owner. If you climb, get some photos of you climbing. When you get your truck fixed up, get some photos of it in use. If you rig, get some photos of rigging branches down. Photos of an incorrect back cut and a tree laying over a sidewalk are not overly impressive though and might actually have a negative connotation to them. I think your website would be better without them.

P.S. - take a breath, take this all in and calm down. The big bold print implies that you are getting rather pi$$ed off at the world. There's still some good advice on this forum for you to benefit from if you want to.

Sorry arbor pro if it sounds like I am pissed it is just large because if you can tell by a good amount of the posts most don't read the whole posts before responding at all.
Sorry arbor pro if it sounds like I am pissed it is just large because if you can tell by a good amount of the posts most don't read the whole posts before responding at all.

Hey TKO -
Have you considered a chipper / dumpbed truck combo? You may get more money's worth than the bucket truck. Getting the tree down is only half of the battle....
Also - be careful with posting 'names' on your pictures (jpg.) on your website. On some of the pics, you have the file saved with the HO's last name, and an address visible in the picture. You had better have written permission for those images posted online...
I would focus on your pics of you (or whoever) in the PPE, that is a good selling point. And stumps cut more 'flush' for your 'after shots.'
Finally - agree with above posters. Just relax, everyone has their opinions. Be careful with offering 'golden glove' competitions in the street - like posted earlier, some of these guys ain't right in the head...I can remember when a dude was talking sh!t to old dirty, and olddirty called his bluff - that other dude doesn't post here, anymore, lol....
Best of luck, man. You don't need the expensive equip if you do the job right. And if you did serve, I certainly tip my stocking cap to you.

We have thought of the bucket truck dump chipper, all in one but, as it is we don't have to pay to dump because we own the business property so at this time it works out best when we just show up with 2 or 3 different truck and trailers load it all up and dump, since there is already 2-3 guys on the job. it works out fine.

i understand the pics thing and I have 1 or 2 pics with me climbing on there I think but we don't always remember to bring the camera, or do and the batteries die or just get busy and don't remember to take pics.

I will not post anymore pics or updates for everyone even when I get time in about to weeks to pull it in to the shed at the property and paint it correctly. If you all remember all the thread was asking was how the lettering design looks.

I also feel that even if the truck needs some work you should never do any work in a vehicle with out your name on it because that is a loss of potential customers that live on the street. We have almost never did a tree where a neighbor didn't call or come ask us for an estimate. I prefer if they call because they always want you to climb down out of the tree. And even though I can climb since I do not do it every single day it can be very exhuasting going up and down to talk to someone.

By the way around here most people do not care at all what your truck looks like just your work.

The newest truck we have is a 97 dodge and it still looks better then alot of the competition.

So thank you again for all the input you guys are right and I will never amount to anything, so I might as well shoot myself now.

Later. I do wish one day you guys wake up and realise life is to short to lie to yourself about what you really have and to get so caught up in that lie that you tear into everyone elses stuff( that they never clamied was the greatest in the first place).

breathe deep and relax you all will live a lot longer if you aren't always stressed or worried about outside appearance and what everyone else thinks.
Hey TKO -
Have you considered a chipper / dumpbed truck combo? You may get more money's worth than the bucket truck. Getting the tree down is only half of the battle....
Also - be careful with posting 'names' on your pictures (jpg.) on your website. On some of the pics, you have the file saved with the HO's last name, and an address visible in the picture. You had better have written permission for those images posted online...
I would focus on your pics of you (or whoever) in the PPE, that is a good selling point. And stumps cut more 'flush' for your 'after shots.'
Finally - agree with above posters. Just relax, everyone has their opinions. Be careful with offering 'golden glove' competitions in the street - like posted earlier, some of these guys ain't right in the head...I can remember when a dude was talking sh!t to old dirty, and olddirty called his bluff - that other dude doesn't post here, anymore, lol....
Best of luck, man. You don't need the expensive equip if you do the job right. And if you did serve, I certainly tip my stocking cap to you.

If you could point out the pictures with the homeowners names It would be greatly appreciated. I could not find the pictures anywhere.

Thanks in advance
jack of all trades master of none!!

I had to bump in here. TKo-kid you are preaching that you are all about safety and doing a good job etc. Then I scroll through your website only to find pictures like this one.....learn how to use a chainsaw and how to fall trees before calling yourself a tree service! That stump is the mark of a hack! Everyone has to start somewhere....but you are on route to starting out killing someone taking down trees in this manner!
when i saw your work i just cant hold back!!! just fill all them holes with bondo and spray bomb her:) what a joke man, iv seen nicer chit in the junkyard!!!. that truck is almost useless in the tree biz. i have taller ladders than that. you aint nothing but a inexperienced grass cutter. go post your crap on lawnsite.com tree men have pride and common cents. you prolly cant provide insurance on your vehicles so i doubt you have any for doing the tree work you post up:dizzy: looks like you just bought a few sawz and call your self a tree company. jack of all trades master of none:cheers:
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I had to bump in here. TKo-kid you are preaching that you are all about safety and doing a good job etc. Then I scroll through your website only to find pictures like this one.....learn how to use a chainsaw and how to fall trees before calling yourself a tree service! That stump is the mark of a hack! Everyone has to start somewhere....but you are on route to starting out killing someone taking down trees in this manner!
TKO ,i'm with you on the payed off equipment ,allready posted that.
I think what Greenleaf was pointing out though about the stump cut had nothing to do with it not being flush cut yet.
He's talking about the type of cut used to fell the tree;Not propper,not safe..
He is correct.You will get bitten cutting stuff that way.
sorry to be an azzhole but this industry has had enough black eyes:)
you aint nothing but a inexperienced grass cutter. go post your crap on lawnsite.com
hey, watch it now, I cut grass too and post on that site.....................but I do have 20 years tree experience and I'm just busting you ballz for fun.........lol:cheers:
hey, watch it now, I cut grass too and post on that site.....................but I do have 20 years tree experience and I'm just busting you ballz for fun.........lol:cheers:
no suprise there RealFattreeman:dizzy:after 20 years tree cutting i like to think you have a clue, its a shame you dont.
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