What else do you burn?

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Sep 22, 2008
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Under a Funeral Moon
I know burning trash is kind of a no-no, but I do burn some stuff.

Paper plates and paper towels soaked in cooking grease, these burn great!
Newspaper, either to start a fire or just to get rid of it.
Junk mail, especially credit card applications, and other stuff that is normally meant for a paper shredder.

The only plastic I will burn is an old credit card or ATM card, I figure it can't make that much pollution.

I will not burn glossy ads or any kind of cardboard with a glossy finish, it stinks too bad, or any cardboard which has a lot of plastic tape on it. I have a neighbor who burns all of their trash, plastic, diapers, you name it, and it smells BAD!
My neighbor is a single older man and puts very little garbage to the curb in winter. His saying is" If its made of carbon it will burn". I dont think he burns plastic though,afraid to plug chimney.:cheers:
some times after my neighbor cleans all the dog poop out of his yard he will bring the bucket over and throw it in my OWB. I figure recycled dog food is mostly corn anyway. Me I personally burn deer bones and cleaned fish bodies along with wood
I will not burn glossy ads or any kind of cardboard with a glossy finish, it stinks too bad, or any cardboard which has a lot of plastic tape on it. I have a neighbor who burns all of their trash, plastic, diapers, you name it, and it smells BAD!

Heh, I can imagine the nusance this would create.

I try to only put wood in my woodstove.

I guess there are buildings in some cities that partially heat the building with the trash burned in an incinerator. WOUOF! it dont take many diapers to start stinking in a fire. Just think of a whole apartment building disposing of them this way.

some times after my neighbor cleans all the dog poop out of his yard he will bring the bucket over and throw it in my OWB. I figure recycled dog food is mostly corn anyway. Me I personally burn deer bones and cleaned fish bodies along with wood

That would bother me.
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I'll burn some paper or paper towels to help light a fire. Any other paper/cardboard goes to the fire pit outside. I don't like burning much trash in my stove.
dear KS

burning corn kinda smells like popcorn and if any one is offended by the smell of grilled venison or smoked fish than I apologize however I do not burn garbage foam or plastic only things that are nature made, never had any complaints on smell, some of my neighbors even enjoy it
We burn all our garbage on our burn pile. Then twice a year the local landfill hands out cupons for a free dump, so we load up all the ash and crap and bring it to the landfill.
My girlfriend's parents used to burn all their trash in their smokin' outhouse. I can only imagine how bad that stunk.
Personally, I will burn some paper in my woodstove (reciepts, credit card offers), but I try not to do it very often.
dear KS

burning corn kinda smells like popcorn and if any one is offended by the smell of grilled venison or smoked fish than I apologize however I do not burn garbage foam or plastic only things that are nature made, never had any complaints on smell, some of my neighbors even enjoy it

I guess it would bother me most if I thought he was trying to get away with something.

Grilled meat or wild game? nothing offensive about that , if I say so myself.

I have been known to put onion peels in the woodstove. Onion, orange potato, banana peels and corn cobs. If it gets extruded though ... I find the smell of it offensive and try to be considerate of my neighbors.

I figure a few credit card offers or old cards cant make that much stink, and much better than letting them fall into the wrong hands.
I figure a few credit card offers or old cards cant make that much stink, and much better than letting them fall into the wrong hands.
I dont see the harm in burning a few credit cards and I agree that its better than letting them fall into the wrong hands.
Thats why I burn all my old reciepts, duplicate checks (the carbon copy stuff) and bank statements in the woodstove.
I do have a problem with people who burn their garbage in their smokin' outhouse. A lot of towns around here have actually passed laws banning outdoor wood burners because of the stink.
I do have some of those premade firestarter bricks. Break them into thirds after they are broken into thirds. Not even 1/3 of the way into the box I bought last year.

Other than the above, only firewood.
newspaper, and brown cardboard only and only to start fires..

neighbor burns EVERYTHING and his brand new block chimny showes it...

ICK! and ICK!
I only burn wood and paper products in my stove. Outside we burn softwood, pallets, wood scraps, cardboard, brush a few times a year. The kids were having bonfires regularly, Fall is here it will start up again.
We can burn outside pretty much year round as long as you don't get caught generating black smoke.
A few years back a guy about a mile from me knock down an old small outbuilding with a shingled roof and lit it up. I don't know if somebody called or one of the county sheriffs seen it, but the volunteer fire department came and put it out. I heard he had to pay the fire department bill, was cited, ended up in court and seriously fined.
I seen the column of smoke that weekend and the farmer across the road from me filled me in with the detail later.
So no black smoke in my neighborhood.
I also have "burn Everything" neighbors, the aforementioned diaper burners. They have an inefficient, drafty old Franklin stove running through rickity triple wall thats soaked in creosote. One time last year they fired it up mid-day on a clear sunny Feb. day, and they must have put a small tire in there. Black, acrid smoke belched out of their chimney for at least an hour. The smell was terrible, and it came right in through one of my leaky windows. I finally said something to them, the guy said his wife burned a bunch of old clothes and crap and that she is essentially too dumb to know any better, or just doesn't care.

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