Umm, I used a Skyhook! I just hooked a cloud and away I went. Hmm, okay, not too believable. How about if I had an eagle I made friends with take the camera up n snap a few pictures for me. What? You still don't believe me? Okay, here's the truth! I enlisted the help of a few fairies n they carried the camera up n took a few pictures. Yep, n that's my story n I'm stickin to it!
btw, an 85 foot genie lift would not have gotten the camera up high enough. Heck, the power lines are at least 50 to 60 feet up. Then the top of the trees are a good 25 feet taller, n then add another 25 to get far enough above the trees. Nope, the fairies did it, I swear! After all, I'm a wood nymph! So having fairies do it isn't really that awful far out in left field. :msp_w00t: