Stihl Alive, I should have also offered advice when I questioned your method. my apologies.
My advice to those starting out,
Set the spike before you step on it, basically stomp in in hard enough to get good penetration, THEN raise up and repeat on the other side. its a 2 part process to take one step. NOT "walking up", al least until you have adequate experience. with time, some of us guys can literally run up.
and practice holding the flipline in both hands, as Redline pointed out, and climb without putting your hands on the tree. this should be a fluid, continuous climb without pausing or stopping until you reach the first major branch. you have to find your stride, and pace on your own, and never let anyone rush you from the ground.
Might take awhile to feel comfortable leaning back, remember your hands will be on your side of the tree, with the flipline securely gripped. Of course a cable lanyard is best for this, but rope will still do this fine.
good luck to all learning to spike, I remember spiking up 70' a pine the first time without a rope, and got to spike down. :censored: :censored:
learnes someting valuable that day.