you need some pvc to make mandrels from. it works well and is easy to work with
Are you using the Type II PVC? I read that it's more durable.
you need some pvc to make mandrels from. it works well and is easy to work with
Brad, shorten your setup. Way too much stick out from the chuck. Enough material to go to the squish band, enough to go in the chuck, and enough room to get the tool to the part. Any more is weakening the setup which will lead to difficulty cutting the work piece, or levering it out of the chuck. Short is strong, strong is good.
Thanks John. I appreciate the tips from all of you guys.
No problem. Feels good to cut the metal yourself, huh?
Brad, shorten your setup. Way too much stick out from the chuck. Enough material to go to the squish band, enough to go in the chuck, and enough room to get the tool to the part. Any more is weakening the setup which will lead to difficulty cutting the work piece, or levering it out of the chuck. Short is strong, strong is good.
Brad, shorten your setup. Way too much stick out from the chuck. Enough material to go to the squish band, enough to go in the chuck, and enough room to get the tool to the part. Any more is weakening the setup which will lead to difficulty cutting the work piece, or levering it out of the chuck. Short is strong, strong is good.
Ditto. All I thought was "hangin out a frickin mile"
I'm to blame for that, I gave him a piece of material that was longer than it needed to be. You can always take more off, hard to go the other way.
The things one doesn't think about after a while.
On the other hand, Brad said there is a use for the function keys on a keyboard....
I've never used them......
I'm to blame for that, I gave him a piece of material that was longer than it needed to be. You can always take more off, hard to go the other way.
Sometimes impossible. When I worked my first job we had two CNC bandsaws. Operators on second shift would set them to run unmanned until first shift got there in the morning. Quite a sight to see thousands of dollars worth of bar stock cut up into piston blanks that were 3mm too short.
Sometimes impossible. When I worked my first job we had two CNC bandsaws. Operators on second shift would set them to run unmanned until first shift got there in the morning. Quite a sight to see thousands of dollars worth of bar stock cut up into piston blanks that were 3mm too short.
Or screw up a casting you have been waiting 8 months for.....
That's so last year.......popups are out of fashion ya know.
Just funning you Brad. I'm curious though......what did you support the tail end of the mandrel with when you were cutting it?
that casting was screwed up long before it got to me..... :msp_tongue:
(sorry, reflex)
Brad, just me, but I always machine enough off to run a gasket. I feel better with a gasket in there.