What makes a GOOD groundman?

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12 e : when using a pulley allways put a stopper knot in the working end of the rope. donot pull it up till told to. I will not be happy if I have to climb up to get/reset the rigging line!

2b let the climber know when you enter the DZ. Don't enter unless you get a responce.
John, a properly tied knot can usually be untied w/o tools, save maybe a marlin spike device for the heavy loads.

And I don't agree that all the oral communication between climber/groundman is necessary EVERY time a groundie enters the DZ. I maintain that it is a visual thing.

I do agree with the stopper knot thing. The post will reflect it.;)
The National Arborisic Association know called TCIA has an excellent video program for groundman. Answers most of above
comments. We use it w/ great sucess and are looking to buy in Spanish

Originally posted by Dadatwins
#19 If I point at the corner bus stop and say bye, you just screwed up big time, do not ask why , do not ask about pay, just go.;)

For #4 I would add be able to tie and UNTIE knots with out the use of knives, keys, screwdrivers, or :eek: teeth.
Good list MB, how about being specific on keeping all the chainsaws gased and ready. Nothing worse than moving up to a bigger saw and having to wait for groundman to go out to the truck for gas and oil. Gas' em all when we get there and keep them full.
(A) If your afraid of heights, but was hired anyway, and you dont like to climb, its okay. Learn these rules and accept the fact that a good groundman is as worthy as a good climber.

(B) Try to anticipate what the climber will need and when. However, dont bug the climber w/ 'suggestions' unless asked for them.

(C) Start the trim saw BEfore you send it up.

(D) When lowering limbs and I saw 'STOP', I mean 'STOP!'. Dont wait until the f'n limb gets hung up in a crotch to realize "Uhhhh, Duhhhh, I's thinkin' 'e sai' stop?".

(E) Standing around on a job site while the boss is gone will be noticed. When its pointed out, dont try to make excusses. Most times they wont be believed.

(F) Make sure you put the gas in the "GAS" tank and the oil in the "OIL" tank. Not vice-versa as the saw wont run long. (I actually had this happen several yrs back. The two groundies argued for weeks as to which one did it)

Thats about it for now. Great List!
Youse guys is the laziest bunch of god for nothing climbers I ever heard whine about their help.
You got the groundies doing just about everything except climbing up and making the cuts.
If you want your rope to stay out of the chipper, keep it with you. If you want a brake on some of the limbs, set it up before you go up or put the brake up in the tree with you. If you don't want to have to worry about knots, do a knotless system.
I could take an eigth grade girl to work and be fine on any removal.
Ground personal should not be replacement for climbing skills.
yea, and after you tossed your bid by having to teach her EVERY thing, youd hand her the list too.

Im not ?????ing about my ground help most of the time. The do help make jobs profitable. But, GOOD help can be hard to find. Not many guys want to huff brush for 8 bucks an hour. Its hard work and when the feel underapreciated, laziness sets in.

You cant say when you hire someone new, you dont spend hours 'training' them with these very same comments. be honest.

I remember being the groundie and im just passing on those things that were told to me. many of the other list items were passed to me also.
seems to me you guys want your groundman to do everything. but yet you dont pay them much. maybe if you guys paid them for doing all your work you would'nt be pissing and moaning about how you cant get good help.
#) If you see something that you don't think I've already noticed, speak up. Within reason.

#) Clear the drag path before you start dragging. Move anything that may get knocked over, damaged etc. DON'T leave the gas and oil anywhere close to the LZ or the drag path.
Originally posted by Husky372
seems to me you guys want your groundman to do everything. but yet you dont pay them much. maybe if you guys paid them for doing all your work you would'nt be pissing and moaning about how you cant get good help.

I have always expected good ground help. In Austin the going rate was $8/hr. English optional. I paid minimum $12 and a few guys $18. In exchange I expected them to get it done and to think. Yes, I AM paying you to think. What I got in return was a ground crew that could make my life easier.

Some of the best help I had spoke only spanish. Good, less chit chat between us, and more working. When it came time to lower a piece, no talking necessary, they knew how many wraps and how to or not to let it run.

I found you get what you pay for. Pay $8/hr, and you get jug heads that make your day longer and more stressful.


Groundman is a hard job, I wouldn't do it:rolleyes:

Man this list is getting long!

TreeCo, you gave me 19 and 20.

OakTreeDude, I worked your advice into 14, 15, and 18.

Gord? 21.

Mike Mass and Husky372, thanks for NOTHING!:mad:

Any groundie that follows these rules WON'T be low paid for very long.

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