What model Husky?

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ArboristSite Member
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
New Jersey
What model Husky is 3.5 ci or just under.I'm looking to beat a guy in a stock saw race that has a 034 that I think he put a 036 jug and piston in. Iv'e always run stihl but the 034 that I run got beat by 4 seconds on 3 cuts in 8x8 pine. It seems that every else was running about the same time I was give or take a second. But 4 seconds something doesn't smell right and it's not the smell drifting over from the cattle barn.So I thought I might try a different flavor saw instead of orange.Gotta try somthing.:confused:
a 357 Husky should win. Both it and the 036 Pro rate at 4.4 hp, the 357 has a smaller motor.

Or, trick out your muffler of the 034 and you will gain 20% or more. 2 ports with area totalling 1.25 to 1.5 the area of the cylinder exhaust port.
If you modify the muffler you may not be able to run the "stock" class. As you know, the 036 piston and jug will go right on a 034. If your interested going that route email for info.

You need to get a 357XP and send it to "KDHOTSAW" Ken Dunn. He knows any and all tricks to get the most power out of a saw and still keep it legal for stock class. You will be beating your bud by four seconds
Just wondering,

Which contest you were in? From the time of year, your location the timber size and saw displacement, it sounds like it could have been Harford, PA. I couldn't make it this year, but I get up there every chance I get. If it was Harford, those engine mods don't seem to be well, ahh, "legal." Also, if it was Harford, double check the rules before investing in a 357, I think the small saw class only goes up to 3.49 cu. in.

Were you running a full racing chain? The best modification that can be made to any racing saw, in my opinion, is an Art Martin chain. Another thing to look for is the fuel, if the other guy was running alcohol and nitro,and everybody else was running gas, that could account for the difference, and some "stock" classes allow it. If somebody dumps the fuel from the saw back into their gas can before they go home, they are running alky.

If you can get a Ken Dunn 357, running an Art Martin chain, on alcohol, you almost certainly will have a winner :), but you will have spent more on the saw, chain and fuel than you could probably ever win with it. :(
Greffardized 357XP

I was thinking about starting a seperate thread about my G357XP but since modded 357s have come up here, why bother. I just want to say that my 357, which I originally considered a dog, has all of a sudden had a sort of ugly duckling transformation. I didn`t run this saw much until this past week because it just didn`t have enough appeal, my Walkerized 346 embarrassed it and weighed less, and I have bigger saws when the need arises. So I was thinking I`d put it on ebay and send it packing, but first I wanted to give it a fair chance to impress me. After putting about 5 gallons of gas through it in the past several days, it`s like a different saw. It`s unbelievable! this saw took a long time to break in but now that it has, look out. I look forward to getting it out now. I run a 20" bar full of 73Lg in mostly hardwood and the saw has become unstopable. About the only even slightly negative thing I can say about it is that it is a real gas hog, but since I`m not up a tree with it who cares. It sure does put out alot of production for the gas it does use and now it is a thing of beauty. I finally understand Gypo`s enthusiasm for the 357. Dennis really earned some praise for this one! Russ
Hey Russ, I'll be heading to Tupper in a couple of weeks. Maybe we can hook up and I can check out those modified" tree eating monsters" :D your running and show you the mods. I did to my mufflers.

husky394 I just missed the harford show this was the state fair in N.J. sussex county farm and horse show. I think someone needs to get a list of shows dates and times posted so many of us that get involved know what direction to go!Maybe i'll make a seperate post on this