so for some reason Oregon doesn't make a bar that fits my saw? there application guide doesn't have any of the 2xx, 3xx or 4xx saws listed. only the ones starting with zero. can anyone shine some light on this situation? thanks
Oregon makes bars that fits your saw. You need a bar that has a D025 mounting pattern. I'm not sure where the cut off is size wise, but I'm pretty sure that everything that's 50cc and bigger uses this bar mount pattern, along with their smaller pro saws. This would include your 362.
The bar is specific to the chain's length, pitch, and gauge size. In other words, the bar and chain are some what of a matched set.
A drive rim will work with any size bar length and any gauge size of chain, but it's specific to your chains pitch and the spline size on the saw's clutch.
As far as pitch goes, check the drive rim on your clutch. It the rim's pitch should be embossed on its side. If you need to switch to a different chain pitch, just get a new rim with the appropriate pitch. I think the 362 clutch has a small spline, but double check that. I was thinking that one of the 360 family members actually came stock with a standard spline setup. If you take the saw to a dealership, they can tell you what you need. Pick up a couple of extra e-clips and bar nuts while you're there and throw them in your saw box. Having them will ensure that you don't loose the ones on the saw

Its worth having an extra drive bearing too. If the e-clip ever comes off (sometimes they have a poor temper and end up getting bent when installing), you will most likely loose the drive bearing almost immediately. On the sprocket cover of each of my saws, in sharpie I've written the saw's model number and spline size along with the chain pitch and gauge size that I normally run on it. That way if I need to get replacement parts, I just snap a pick of the cover with my phone since I have CRS syndrome