Stiff Member
I've had some good ones. So, we going for number of stitches, number of broken bones or length of recovery?
The next whippin was we were moving to California from Florida and we took our cat. Every time the cat pooped, my dad had to stop at a rest area to throw away the poop. I guess the cat was not comfortable in a car ride 2000 miles. After we got thru the pan handle of Florida, my dad said the next time the cat poops, just pick it up and throw it out the window. Sure enough, about 2 hours later, I threw the cat out the window.
well Satin will take care of you nice and good...
Well i have had several,a tree related in 2001 i was cutting a 100 yr old red oak 60 ft tall, i was at about 25 feet and cut a 24 inch limb,it hit the ground and sprang back up,i had a safety belt on and could not move out of the way enough a spur on the limb stuck in my shoulder and the limb pinned my arm to the tree and slid down my arm crushing it, it turned black,the doctors were not sure if i would regain use or even keep the arm for a long time,but other than a scar and a little arthritis i have full use of it.What was your worst injury?
I assume you meant the prince of darkness (Satan) as opposed to the sexy bed sheets (Satin)!
I assume you meant the prince of darkness (Satan) as opposed to the sexy bed sheets (Satin)!
in 1990 i had a tank of acetylene blow up in my shop,about 20 ft from me,...
That sounds pretty bad. Was it truly the tank that ruptured, or did you just have a leak that exploded inside the building?
If you ruptured the tank, how did that happen?
BTW: That getting pinned by the branch sounds bad, too. I presume that you peeled a branch that reached all the way to the ground? Would a pop cut have eliminated the problem?
Yea, i dont like the guy, i never remember how to spell his name right:spam:
You guys remind me of this guy:
I had a close call yesterday, and thank the Lord I didn't end up on this thread, unseating PDQDL as king.![]()
Care to share some details to help keep the rest of us alert?
I was being lazy and broke a few safety rules involving moving a tractor without sitting in the seat. In the snow. And, you get the picture without totally incriminating myself.
I feel your pain. Fell off a truckload of hay, about 12 feet down.(30 years ago) Landed on my feet(on concrete) but ended up flat on the ground. x-ray of the heel was so bad they had to operate to figure out what to do with it. Waited a week or so in the hospital for the swelling to go down enough to work on it.... surgeon told me after the operation there was 25 or 30 pieces, he threw some away and stapled the rest back together. They taped it up, told me to use it all I could but don't put any weight on it. I was back to work in three months, good but not full mobility. Used to run when I was a kid, won't take the pounding now. Can usually tell when there's a change coming in the weather too. Did a few dumber things, but that was the most major damage.........I came 20' out of a tree and fractured my heel. It actually exploded. The head radiologist lady got onto the young x-ray tech when she thought she screwed up on the x-ray. She took one herself then came back in and told me I no longer had a heel. Was bedridden for a month, walked on crutches for 6 and had to walk with the aid of a cane for the rest of the year.Kept me out of the trees for a couple of years.Was 2 years before I was healed up enough to climb again. Stupid mistake. I was taking a shortcut, using a ladder. First time I had ever used a ladder an 10 years of climbing. My story is in this forum a few years back so I won't go into the whole rigmarole.
My first major injury i dont remember at all, but i was about two years old and i guess i was messing with a dog who didnt exactly take kindly to my playfulness. basically i pulled on its tale and it proceeded to bite my cheeck off, yes i said off... well it was barely hanging on my face and they were able to reattach it... all i have now is a dimple when i smile real hard.
at the age of six i wiped out on the pavement like a little retard and skinned my thumb knuckle down to the bone.
age 16, my friend decided it would be cool to push me over a speed bump (meant for cars) in my wheelchair, while running as fast as he possibly could. well, we hit the bump together and i flipped backwards knocking him on his ass and we both skid a good five or ten feet, resulting in the most blood i had ever shed in an injury.