What We Would Like To See New/Changes In Saws!!!

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A.K.A Rotten Tree Limbs
. AS Supporting Member.
Apr 3, 2002
Reaction score
Amoungst My Saws........Fool That Has Too Many!!!
What would you guys like to see new or changed in saws...........besides weight..........(as we all know about that one).

Off the top of my head I wish all manufacturers would get onboard with better air filter systems and all have side tesioners for the chains.

Also I would like to see a little more generousity on the bar oilers.


Get rid of the rev-limiters!!!
Online sales and parts ordering!!!

*If I can't gripe about sore forearms then I choose parts access*
Online sales and parts ordering!!!

Yup. Gotta go with that one. I really do like my dealer but there are times when it takes one or two weeks for me to find the time to drive down to his shop. Hell, if I could order parts from him and have them mailed I'd be content with that. But oh no, we wouldn't want that to happen...

Otherwise, I'd be thrilled to see genuinely clear fuel tanks, oilers with a wider range of adjustment, and maybe a built-in tach and hour meter.
my number #1 gripe with any saw manufacturer is the AIR FILTERS!!!!!

seriously there saw makers, how much coke did you snort before designing these airfilters? felt filters are GARBAGE - they get gummed up with oil, gas and dust, and fray apart after one cleaning.

GET WITH THE program and make some steelmesh/gauze/steel mesh filters (you know, like K&N, or Fram Airhog?) . At elast they can be WASHED and reoiled, and they trap a crap load of dust and dirt.

Gas and oil plugs. Again, how much product did you shove up your noses? these new "flip" up pop top twist fuel/oil caps are a frikking joke! THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG with the tried and true screw on cap!!! why did you change it? i really LOVE being covered in fuel becasue your stupid fliptop pop top fliipppy floppy flip floptiptop bop de dbop gas caps BREAK beacues they are CHEAP PLASTIC!!!!!

please bring back METAL chainbrake bars! I really dont appreciate drpping 1000 bucks of blod sweat and tears onto a new saw, only to have your CHEAP PLASTIC chainbreak handle flex and get soft, or break right off.

and whats with these so called "powerful" saws that sound like a bumblebe that got poked int he azz? i want a chainsaw, a loud, rumbly, scares little kids and grown men alike, CHAINSAW, that howls butchery and murder as i'm bucking up firewood....not a saw that sound like my grannies sewing machine.

:bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:
these new "flip" up pop top twist fuel/oil caps are a frikking joke! THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG with the tried and true screw on cap!!! why did you change it? i really LOVE being covered in fuel becasue your stupid fliptop pop top fliipppy floppy flip floptiptop bop de dbop gas caps BREAK beacues they are CHEAP PLASTIC!!!!!

Noww there is a good one. Understand that I currently have no gripe with the current Stihl caps...........however............why mess with something as simple and works as a fuel/oil cap????

We ain't that lazy!!!
Noww there is a good one. Understand that I currently have no gripe with the current Stihl caps...........however............why mess with something as simple and works as a fuel/oil cap????

We ain't that lazy!!!

There is/was a saying in Germany along the lines of "why make it simple when it can be so beautifully complex." I used to know it in German...20 years ago. Long since forgotten in it's native language.

Don't ask me why, I like the old ones. No moving parts.

my number #1 gripe with any saw manufacturer is the AIR FILTERS!!!!!

seriously there saw makers, how much coke did you snort before designing these airfilters? felt filters are GARBAGE - they get gummed up with oil, gas and dust, and fray apart after one cleaning.

GET WITH THE program and make some steelmesh/gauze/steel mesh filters (you know, like K&N, or Fram Airhog?) . At elast they can be WASHED and reoiled, and they trap a crap load of dust and dirt.

Gas and oil plugs. Again, how much product did you shove up your noses? these new "flip" up pop top twist fuel/oil caps are a frikking joke! THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG with the tried and true screw on cap!!! why did you change it? i really LOVE being covered in fuel becasue your stupid fliptop pop top fliipppy floppy flip floptiptop bop de dbop gas caps BREAK beacues they are CHEAP PLASTIC!!!!!

please bring back METAL chainbrake bars! I really dont appreciate drpping 1000 bucks of blod sweat and tears onto a new saw, only to have your CHEAP PLASTIC chainbreak handle flex and get soft, or break right off.

and whats with these so called "powerful" saws that sound like a bumblebe that got poked int he azz? i want a chainsaw, a loud, rumbly, scares little kids and grown men alike, CHAINSAW, that howls butchery and murder as i'm bucking up firewood....not a saw that sound like my grannies sewing machine.

:bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:

This is an awesome post, right on the money, right about the dorky Stihl caps, so true about the steel chainbrakes, the Husky ones you could adjust.
Well I would like to see lazier saws quiet never dull watch out for fire
though!!!!! If that is out of question better power to weight bring back
manual oiler on automatics to give more oil when needed. Other than
that they are doing well mostly. Bring back the tanacka not sure on the
spelling, disposable climb saw very very light, power fair, price excellent.
Or the echo 3000 liked them better than the new ones they were good
climbers for the buck!:rockn:
please bring back METAL chainbrake bars! I really dont appreciate dropping 1000 bucks of blood sweat and tears onto a new saw, only to have your CHEAP PLASTIC chainbreak handle flex and get soft, or break right off.

I agree, but I'll go one step further and say I would like to see more metal too, not only on the chain brake handles but on the rest of the saw as well. I guess I just like the feel of the old Stihl 041's. Some of these new saws look and feel like they were made by Fisher-Price or Mattel, but then again, I do work for a large die casting company.:laugh:
Electric start.................:D :D

It's been done...


Mostly I'd like to see some steps 'backwards' such as a couple pointed out in this thread. I think all 'pro' saws should have manual oilers in addition to the auto pumps (and my favorite saw in my stable doesn't have a manual oiler).

Emissions carb jetting and corked up garbage can 'noise emissions control' mufflers have gotta go.

Low tech screw type fuel/oil caps would be an improvement.

I'd also like to see the old American saw manufactures make quality pro level saws again. I know, dream on.......
funny no one mentioned this yet....How about a sweet running and sounding 4 stroker....I want mine light weight and be able to run like 14,000 rpm and for it to be a 4 valve motor with titanium valves and maybe a excellerator pump on the carb :).....O ya and screw on gas and oil caps :clap:
Clear plastic tanks, to monitor fuel level

Tool less caps, and air filter fasteners

Built in tach, chipped for reset to next refuel, and an under speed dot or arrow if it is at full throttle and cutting with a dull chain or too much feed pressure, when off, accumulated hours.

Better oil and fuel scuppers, built to help spilling, no top off taper would help

Noise level by mesh baskets, and labyrinth to improve low tone sound, keeping performance, maybe just a little more engineering , but keep out of the muffler to meet emissions.

Bi-metal spring to flip climate shutter, improve cold start warm up and give the emissions saving back in performance.

Way more teeth on the bumper spikes/dogs and wider, stagger the teeth walking the saw using the spikes will make a smother engagement.

Develop a fan blade that flexed into more air for cooling with speed, that would improve throttle response.

chip the ing timing to advance with speed, smoother starting and a better top end, (hint not Hall effect, but Phase sensing)

Semi-shielded ceramic bearings, less oil for the bearings, but still oil the piston/rings.

Nothing that would make a saw heaver , and the use of technologies as the become cost effective to add performance with out the weight.
fuel injection would kick butt also....we could run some huge compression and let the cpu do its magic with the timing....O ya and you wouldnt have to clean carbs anymore or worry about where the needles where set lol...