What would you do, is this safe?

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Ideally, the freaking thing should have been removed instead of left there in the first place... but...

Anyways, you'd want the tree to fall and stay on the stump. Period. If it jumps off, you're not moving it easily, are you?

Better to let the hinge do the keeping in place.
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Hey lopa, I have a few cables lying about, pity to use them on someone elses job but hey, I will sleep better.
Wallabies are a pest in NZ, we beat them and shoot them whenever we can, Bring back Campese!

Go the blacks!
How about a gapped Humboldt? Hinge flexibility and it would sit on the stump better than an open faced, and hinge would still remain intact since the slope is so steep.
That would work, but you'd have to make sure you left the notch wide enough to prevent face closure. In this case, that wouldn't be too hard since the tree is falling much less than 90 degrees.

I still don't see the benefit of actually leaving the tree there long term in the first place.
Sure, you go along with it when an islander suggests it but you snub a fellow mainlander!

I only got the first part(s) of the video, a few times over, but I was able to later locate the remainder on the wwweb.  Thanks again for all the effort you went through in the matter, Erik.

No sweat. I have tons of incoming maoil storage, but I always seem to have trouble sending anything larger than half a meg or so. Haven't yet had the time to tweak the settings.
I was gonna say to cable off the main stick to some big trees nearby. Then work it from the bottom up cutting big pieces and pulling them out with a 4x4 wrecker.
Yeah it wouldnt be that hard to drag them up the hill, there is room for a small crane to hi-ab to come in, really frustrating see a job like that left by others, but if the owners dont want to fork out the $ for removal I guess there isnt much you can do. Went to the property at the bottom and its actually a set of apartments, 5 stories at 750,000 each. I know my mate has only 1,000,000 in insurance, so he can afford to toast one level but after that its going to really hurt.