loaded up
12' telescoping pole pruner, 21' Silkey telescoping pole pruner, telescoping ARS pruner, 30 6' bamboo stakes, 2 2"x4' pipes (for leverage in various situations), 5' fence bar, 6' planting bar, long handled square shovel, 2 long handled drain spades, 3 long handled round point shovels, 5 tine long handled fork, 11 tine long handled fork, 24" grade rake, 2 oscillating hoes, 4 tine long handled cultivator, 3 steel bow rakes, 2 spring steel rakes, 2 shrub rakes, 24" bolt cutters, 3' loppers, long handled pulp hook (not really a pulp hook, but that's what it's used for), regular pulp hook, long handled manhole 'key' (so very useful), 2 tire chocks, assorted guying components, 6 rolls flagging + dispenser, large mechanics' toolbox, smaller "small engines only" toolbox (chains, extra bars, dedicated tools, trimmer blades, sharpener, trimmer line heads, etc..), dedicated "hose stuff only" toolbox, 2 10'x10' HD vinyl tarps, 20'x24' blue tarp, 3 smaller tarps, ropes, lots of assorted tiedowns, 10' x 12' open weave landscape tarp, Stihl 026, Dolmar 7900, Stihl telescoping saw, Dolmar PS34, older Stihl 020AV (actually, I rarely have more than any 3 of the saws at any one time), 5 gal. water cooler, lunch cooler, up to 5 5 gallon tool buckets w/bucket boss organizers. I'm sure I've left some things out, but this'll give you an idea.
Oh yeah, it's a short bed 250 SuperDuty w/a cap and a BedSlide.