I whipped up this toolbox for my saws a couple years ago after dealing with the regular tool boxes that had handles through holes in the top that let water in them. It is a "Sportsman's Dry Box", basically a fancy plastic GI ammo can. Bright orange so it's easier to spot, and harder to accidentally run over.
In the bottom, I made a divider so I could keep sharp chains on one side, dull on the other, and some extra 2-stroke oil and bigger stuff in the middle. Wedges also go here, but they are in the tractor toolbox right now.
The small tray on top holds most of the tools needed for maintenance/ minor repairs of my saws. Contents: Reg and Phillips screwdrivers - normal sized and little fellows, pliers, scrench, small vise grip, Gerber Multi-plier, files, 3/8 metric sockets, extra ear plugs, and a metric wrench set. Except the Multi-plier, pretty much all cheap stuff I wouldn't shed a tear over if I dropped it in a snowbank and couldn't find it.
It's a tight squeeze to get everything in, and honestly the wrenches and sockets could be left out, except for the 17mm wrench for the bar nuts on the 271 that the scrench doesn't fit. Note that the scrench has to be tucked under the handle cutout to fit.
Anyone else got a cool way of keeping your saw stuff together? I'd like to make something to organize chains by saw, but that takes a lot of space, and I like having something handy sized like this.