Piss revver
Buy all you can find
I used to get builder's or running 2 series for 50.00
Usually 3-450.00 for a runner now.
I have several ported 266/268/272 saws
And they run neck and neck
With 24" bar's in hardwood.
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I got this 97 low hour 268 off a guy in florida
He was selling it on o pe
Luckily my brother happened to live near him
And picked it up for me.
Because that guy eventually ripped off several members buying saws from him online.
Strangely he took far less money from my brother than I agreed to for it.
I had zoo city saws port a closed port 268 for it
I just haven't put it on yet.
Even used saw prices are nuts nowadays. I bought my 500i new for less money than the clowns are asking for used 500s on Craigslist or Fakebook marketplace. I guess people with them bad enough to buy a marked up used saw?
I picked up these 2 044s for free awhile back. The one with the bar was a runner, albeit tired. The other had been straight gassed. I rebuilt both w/ aftermarket big bore cylinders and ported both. The one w/the bar is a particularly good work saw. Gobs of torque and pulls a long bar better than a 76cc saw should.
Carpal tunnel issues means that I don't like running rubber AV Stihls for too long, so both are semi-retired. The one w/ the bar lives in the tool box of my truck with a 32" bar...not uncommon to have to cut big trees out of the road when it snows. The other, I plan on using to experiment with different porting theories...who knows, maybe build a hot saw out of it.