A trio of Poulans.
A couple of mild things and a pro 310. The 310 surprised me with how light it is, 10.5 lbs for the power head. Pretty light for a 50 cc saw.
The things are not impressive at all, overweight at 11lbs+ for a 40 CC saw.
Both types are fairly easy to work on, but both suffer from poor muffler designs.
The 310 muffler. Decent flowing, but with the outlet set too far back. You can see the results of this here.
Completely toasted The chain break handle.
The wild things muffler had to have been designed with minimum noise in mind for Joe homeowner. A pathetically small exit that faces the back, requiring extensive shielding to redirect the exhaust flow. This adds a pound of weight to the saw, the ridiculous muffler's almost 3/4 of it.

The wild things both have scored pistons and cylinders, maybe when there's nothing else to do, a cheap Chinese piston/cylinder kit will go on one.
The 310 came in because it stopped oiling, here's why.
Sisel twine and oilers do not mix. The twine jammed up the oiler solid and destroyed the driven gear. The piston and cylinder are in really good shape on the 310. A few other things need replacing like the chain brake handle and the clutch drum, but it'll get going again.