I would say STIHL makes the best Chain. Some people dont like them because they are harder to resharpen. Well thats because they use hardend steel in the cutters. This means they stay sharper longer. Also Stihl pre stretches the chains. I just put the latest Woodsman Pro chain on my saw yesterday and spun it up for about 30 seconds. S T R R R E T C C HHHHHHH. So I tietend it up again and this time not nearly as bad. 3rd time was a charm. My last Stihl chain didnt stretch 1 / 10th that. Anyway I will be cutting Mahogany today so I will see how long it lasts. So far the Stihl is better in the Stretch catagory. Everyone has been saying how good Woodsman Pro was so Now I'm trying it. I'll let you know.