I'll keep a lookout
I was wrong; My firewood man uses a 6 pound True Value maul, not an 8 pound.
Like I said, the slight ridge up the center of each face makes a huge difference. A 6 pound maul without that ridge is much harder to split with. I tried.
Anyways, under $30 has split a couple hundered cord since november. I have some great pictures, but for some reason yahoo won't let me download them to my PC.
I'll watch the sales and pawn shops, see if I can find one used. I'll try it, I like edged tools. A good variety is nice. I have less than zero budget for anything brand new now until way next year. Wayyy too many bills that have to be paid, with not enough income. As it is I'll have to sell something just for vehicle tags coming up.
It never ends...
My fiskars is *wonderful*, did some big hickory tonight with it, but I am not tied to any one tool either.
At 4.5 lbs head and a really lightweight handle, it feels like swinging a whiffle bat. I could stand one more lb of steel in that head, but no more than that. I did an almost exact hickory round yesterday with a traditional maul, man that took a long time comparatively and was like ten times the work. I just wanted a back to back comparison again, to see if I was being pollyanna about the fiskars..nope, superior in most wood. Not all wood, but most of what I have to do. Stringy gnarly 30 inch plus hickory, all I could do to tip it up and over and get a grip and slide it onto the block, that heavy.
Sometimes I roll them up a plank, but I picked out a shorter splitting block and now I can tip them up on it.
Had an idea....a chopping area platform instead of a block. A big flat hardwood surface built like a tight deck, with a lot of like two inch holes drilled in it. The holes are all over, so you can stick several rounds up there, then slam in some pegs around them, wherever they have to go, to hold everything in place so nothing slides around or goes flying. A more robust version of the bungee cord idea.
Well, I don't know two inch exactly, whatever the size like busted shovel and rake handles are, cut them up for the pegs....