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I'm going with the 262 Husky based on the power to weight. The 6401 Makita should also be mentioned. Super versatile!
The 560xp seems to beat it, as it is lighter and have the same power rating! :msp_wink:
I'm going with the 262 Husky based on the power to weight. The 6401 Makita should also be mentioned. Super versatile!
Dammit, i keep fergittin all german saws suck except the euro 361Capable yes, but not really well handling, for a 50cc saw! :msp_wink:
Capable yes, but not really well handling, for a 50cc saw! :msp_wink:
The Solo 681 is a factory hot rod and was lighter then my 036pro. No specs. Hands on fact.
The Stihl 08S
Close to the worst one, among decent quality saws. Its power to weight sucked, even when it was a new model, more than 40 years ago! :msp_scared:
Non stihl guys have already been laid twice by 6 in the afternoon. ;-)
Yah, but try and kill it!