I can't help but feel comfortable up in a tree. I am kind of clumsy on the ground but trees are second nature to me and i move around pretty good. I'm real good at doing tip work, don't matter if the tree is 10 ft or 120 ft. Just because I'm comfortable and at ease hanging a 100ft up, out on the end of a skinny branch,doesn't mean I'm unsafe or on drugs. That sounds like something you've rationalize to explane your own fears. I am a professional climber, why wouldn't I be comfortable? I think being scared and nervious up in a tree would would lead to an accident quicker then some one who feels at one with the trees he in. Safety is either built into you or not. I am in the here and now when I'm up there, very aware of whats around me, I follow rules Ive learned and double check every thing. I do these things none stop without lots of thought. I'm safe and comfortable, to be otherwise just don't make no sense. Being over confident or cocky is different then being comfortable, maybe the two are being confused,
The word comfortable has been thrown around a lot since the beginning of this thread. Speaking for myself i am referring to someone being mentally relaxed, complacent, not switched on and not focused. Someone on autopilot.
A danger to themselves and others. In other words someone who is focused on anything but following sound technique and procedure and looking out for their own and others necks. I don't mean we should not be physically comfortable and at ease working in the tree. Of course we all should be! To be intimidated by and nervous of working at height is just a disaster waiting to happen. If you don't become comfortable up there after a certain period you don't belong there.
I think TreeNate is just pointing out that we should be a little more aware of what is going on around us and what we are doing. From his examples of those climbers who got killed or injured it sounds like they were on autopilot and not in charge of events that they should have been. I personally don't know of any climber i have worked with or anyone doing tree work on drugs. If i did they would not have been working, at least with our crew anyway. I did personally have an involvement in the dismissal of a young climber who was with us for only 5 or so months because of an alcohol problem. Yes i know it is a drug too. Nothing wrong with being a little bummed when hearing of someone getting killed or injured, it is always something to feel sorry for regardless of their own stupidity or not. A death affects so many more people than just the person who died. It is always something to take note of.
His blanket statement "The most comfortable guys are those who climb on drugs" is just plain wrong however. A sign of being comfortable when working in trees shows an application of training procedures, a physical and mental aptitude for the work and most of all (hopefully) a love for the job! "The most mentally relaxed and dangerously complacent guys are those who climb on drugs" i think fits much better.
I will admit that for much of my climbing life, I climbed without gear, all freestyle and often with saws for tree and branch removal. Unsafe, you bet. Comfortable? You bet and I wouldn't have been there if I wasn't.
Some have a feel and a natural aptitude for the work some don't. Some take safety and looking after their own neck seriously some don't. I have never done any tree climb work with no gear but i used to, as i'm sure all of us did, climb trees as a kid. A lot. When i look back now on some of the trees we would climb, 80' plus right to the top until there was nothing left to stand on or hold onto, i can't believe i ever did that. But we did.
I guess we were a lot lighter back then.

We got so used to doing it and moving around safely up at height that we never thought about falling or what would have happened if the wind really picked up at that moment.
Like Capetrees says, we would not have been there if we were not completely comfortable in what we were doing. The more you do something the better you should get at doing it. Nothing is a substitute for being well practiced.
But all the gear in the world won't make you more comfortable if you don't have confidence in what you're doing
I think that says it all. Like i said. Some have a feel and a natural aptitude for the work some don't. A greenie with wobbly knees and a sketchy work technique won't work any better in an easy tree with a zigzig and all the newest and most expensive climb gear in the world. A competent and confident climber could work a difficult tree with nothing other than a basic entry level climb rope and a prusik loop connected to their harness. I know because this is how i have climbed for years until just lately i have been bitten by the "shiny gear" bug. Partly out of need as since i left my old job to start out on my own i had to have my own stuff. If i am honest though i have bought a lot of fancy crap i may never end up using simply because of all the hype and advertising that goes along with new technology climb gear. Sometimes i think even with all the gear we use, we think too much about only the bad things that can happen. No matter how much gear or how expensive or cool it is, it is never a substitute for practice, following a sound technique and having a physical and mental aptitude for the work!!