What's the Craziest thing you've done up a tree?

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Yooper That is some funny $hit! man that's stinkin hilarious. How'd that ride back to the shop go? One day it's like 95 outside and I was workin for the Walmart of tree services and we go to Mc D's for lunch. I scarf back 3 big mac's and then on the way home start to sing the song " Two all beef patties special sauce then puke all over the outside of the truck. The good times we had!

Ride back was just fine,he was the owner and showed up in his personal truck...bet it was a ####ty ride for him though:hmm3grin2orange:
Years ago I worked for this *******. The boss knowing that the home owner had a pretty hot wife decided he wanted to climb that day(gotta be the cool one ya know) So he is up in the tree for about half hour when he gets the cramps and has to crap real bad. so he decides to do it up in the tree and figures if he craps against the stalk of the tree no one will know. Well talk about the runs! WE where all just laughing hysterically! cause he craps all over his rope and doesn't even notice. he just thinks we just laughing at him poopen. he make a few more cuts and repealed down the rope with a half hitch. crap on his hands chest,pants..well crap everywhere. just them the hot home owners wife walks up, looks at him shakes her head and walks away. For that reason I will never poop while in a tree. but giggle every time I think about the look on her face.
Lmao, that's the kind of stuff that makes life good. For the rest of us.
prolly the craziest thing i have done up a tree was climb in 60mpg gusts in an 90% up rooted spruce @ about 2 a.m. she was in between 2 custom homes, the tree was laying in another shorter tree. the up root was so close to the short pine and just towered over the other tree it was hairy,dark, and in a spot where nothing could get to the work. there were no other trees around to use as an anchor. every gust felt like the pine was gonna snap and id have ta ride it out. this was just a couple week ago.
another time i was way up in a pine chasin hangers, this tree had been elevated 50+ feet leaving a thick canopy [lolly pop like], so im up in this pig and nature calls. mid pee the grounder walked under the tree and got blasted:dizzy: never walk under a tree without looking up!!!
prolly the craziest thing i have done up a tree was climb in 60mpg gusts in an 90% up rooted spruce @ about 2 a.m. she was in between 2 custom homes, the tree was laying in another shorter tree. the up root was so close to the short pine and just towered over the other tree it was hairy,dark, and in a spot where nothing could get to the work. there were no other trees around to use as an anchor. every gust felt like the pine was gonna snap and id have ta ride it out. this was just a couple week ago.
another time i was way up in a pine chasin hangers, this tree had been elevated 50+ feet leaving a thick canopy [lolly pop like], so im up in this pig and nature calls. mid pee the grounder walked under the tree and got blasted:dizzy: never walk under a tree without looking up!!!

Might be good that he didnt look up:) Its natural for your mouth to open a little when you look up:(
Hey now that's a ************* with some power!! Good stuff thanks for sharing! Did a spruce that was up rooting and the wind was blowing cut it and the root ball which i had no other choice to stand on dropped back in the ground when the tree came down. Forced the saw right back at me. Good thing the force was with me. USE THE FORCE!!

I was taking down a monster beech one time, the homeowners were out on the deck watching the whole job, anyway i had to piss real bad , the tree had a fork with a bowl shaped crotch that would hold water , so i figured i would be slick and just piss into the fork, well as i am almost finished up i gaff out and swing all around with mr johnson dangling free. :dizzy: Luckily i have a small enough wiener that noone noticed.:cry: :cheers:
Hey since we're all family here Make 2 stories short Workin for a guy doing big crane work and came in hanging with no sleep and comin down off the stuff. I could barely function. That's scary stuff. 2nd at school drinking and smokin at lunch coming back and climbin and pissin out of trees. Instructor walks up to me when we got back from lunch and could smell the herbs. I say There american cigarettes man. I did alot of growing up since then!
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up a tall oak setting my tip when this illegal alien grounder mutt dropped the spar i just finished skinnin up into the trunk of the tree i was up, shook the hell out of me!! i started yelling at him, and the boss hollered up to me and said, "ya herd the saw running didnt ya?" MAN WAS I PISSED!!! 10 mins later the alien starts cutting up the wood under my tree; hmmm, so i sent a dead stub sailing strait down top of his head :dizzy: WHAM, DROPPED HIM TO THE DIRT:chainsawguy: when the pos hack owner started flappin off at the mouth, i just said you herd the saw runnin no?:laugh: i made it 3 weeks at that company, ended up walking off the job cause i felt like choke slammin the :censored: owner
Hey WLL, Man I bet you would be great at PLINKO!! First started climbing and was up a Ash tree about 70footer. Tied the rope to the piece yelled for the groundie(Harry, ArborCare) to grab the rope he wasn't on it. The piece comes down rope burnin through the tree and just misses the guest cottage of this 600,000 dolla cottage. Bent the drip edge down a quarter inch. You could have cut a hair. Hey sorry Harry!:rockn::rock:
Hey WLL, Man I bet you would be great at PLINKO!! First started climbing and was up a Ash tree about 70footer. Tied the rope to the piece yelled for the groundie(Harry, ArborCare) to grab the rope he wasn't on it. The piece comes down rope burnin through the tree and just misses the guest cottage of this 600,000 dolla cottage. Bent the drip edge down a quarter inch. You could have cut a hair. Hey sorry Harry!:rockn::rock:
whats plinko? i like your sig, those are limbs:smoking:
Hey since we're all family here Make 2 stories short Workin for a guy doing big crane work and came in hanging with no sleep and comin down off the stuff. I could barely function. That's scary stuff. 2nd at school drinking and smokin at lunch coming back and climbin and pissin out of trees. Instructor walks up to me when we got back from lunch and could smell the herbs. I say There american cigarettes man. I did alot of growing up since then!

coming down? Well I think I found the problem, stay up.
I did some interesting work positions with a victoria in a cherry new years 2001.

First 6 months on the job I used 5 saws as springboards to reach a backlimb 20 feet up on a tree that had sat on the backcut due to some 70mph gusts turning up. Closest I came to making a reverse tree house. ended up using the truck jack to get it over.

Had a very pretty lady watch me work from her 2nd story window 6m away while in a small pito clearing powerlines. she was wearing a robe over her shoulders but open And thats all aside from a lovely smile. It threw my productivity and safety out the window. because of the lines between the tree and house I couldnt even face away. I would have been safer working drunk with a blindfold.
I got talked into removing a cottonwood that i had no business in... limbs crossing the road over 3 phase... nothing to rig to or swig limbs back with... owner (highball get 'er done fisherman) says I'll take responsibility if anything goes wrong... so I'd tie the end (as high as i could) make an undercut and small backcut and he pulled 'er with his truck...worked good for the first two limbs... third limb I make the back cut till i can feel it closing a bit (limb was about 10-12") hanging my saw on the hook...star to hear a crack... I yell "pull! pull!)...fellas are outside of the truck having a smoke.... here we go I'm thinking... limb falls back bounces of the 3 phase...pops and cracks... I'm still alive and we find the power is still on... figured well I might as well finish the next limb... now i'm a little gunshy on my backcut... my arborplex 1/2" rope snaps....tie another, make a bit more of a backcut...rope snaps again and ends up dangling between two of the wires...mmmm....now it starts raining... I wanna leave but the limb is cut up over a mainroad and the 3 phase... So i lug up a huge fishing tow line...2" at least....climb above my cut over the lines (i was tied in to another limb but still sketchy).... tied it off...little more backcut and got outta the tree... after two unsuccessfull attemps the owner gives er snort (all wheels left the ground) and the limb ripped off at the crotch 7' below...whew....never again
i got to watch a neighbor climb his ladder way up into a maple tree carrying his chainsaw. when he reached the top of the ladder he got off on a large branch, set the saw down, then pulled the ladder up and set it on the large branch. you probably already guessed what he did next. he climbed higher into the tree to take out some dead wood and some branches hanging over the neighbors fence. me and the wife stood there in the kitchen watching the whole thing happen with the phone ready to call 911. luckily he never did fall or cut himself and to this day i laugh everytime i think about it.
Dunno about craziest but stupidest...???

Removing a Norfolk Island Pine out of a 24 metere bucket. I am going at it hard cutting and throwing away from the HO garage when the bucket operator taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and realise I have thrown a branch straight onto the uninsulated 4 wire 240v. Those cable are whipping around like snakes and scared the pants off both of us. You could hear the fuses poppng up the street. I call the power comapny and expect a big bill for call out but luckily for me the repair guy stuffed up even worse. He blew out the underground crossover and took out the entire suburb. I guess in the ensuing embarrasment the power company forgot about my mistake. Needless to say I look before throwing now....
"Question: If a bucket would have been used to clear the lines could the operator have received a shock(with or without gloves) I was under the assumption that the entire line would of have to be shut down therefore cuttingoff the power for a small community. "

Yes. Anytime you make a complete circuit, you will get nailed. Gloves cannot be thick enough to prevent it. The reason that there is no insulation on the wires is because it would be very thick, therefore heavy. To get an idea of how much insulation you need, look at the insulators on the poles.

Most open wire power for residential use is 2400V three-phase. To insulate a worker from the current, you could either use class II power gloves (thick rubber over leather gloves, about as long as a set of welding gloves) or use a bucket truck with an insulated boom and dielectric pads between the ground surface and the stifflegs. Both the gloves or the dielectric pads prevent the current from completing a circuit by finding ground.

On older pole lines, you can figure the rough voltage of an open-wire system by counting the glass insulators on the pole. Each glass "bell" insulator is good to 2700 volts. As a factor of safety, the power company will use one insulator per line for each 2400 volts that is being transmitted on that line. So by rough math, you can count the insulators and multiply by 2400, and that is the voltage. For example, three insulators per line per pole would be a rough voltage 7200 volts per line, 21600 volts three phase.

Also, it is useful to know that rarely in suburban and rural settings will the power company deviate from a standard 2400 volt / 7200 volt three phase distribution.

Above 17200 volts, I would strongly suggest contacting the power company and consulting with them before making any cuts. Usually they will send out a forester, who will assess the situtation and most likely assign a crew to trim out any trees in the right of way. At no cost to you or the customer.

The reason that aerial power cables aren't insulated has less to do with weight, and more to do with cost. The figuring is that due to the height at which aerial cables are installed, the likelihood of a random citizen coming into contact with the uninsulated line is slim to none. The insulation used nowadays is HDPE, high density polyethelene, which contributes very little to the total weight of the cable. It does, however, contribute to the pricing. It is much easier and cheaper to produce open wire conductors as compared to insulated cables.

The cables that I install for burried applications are always insulated, and can weigh up to 39 pounds per linear foot of cable (600,000 Volts/Amps- kVa) They are triple-insulated monstrosities,that can literally be submerged in the ocean with no negative effects.

I guess my point is: Dont play in the power lines.
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