Thanks, I will try to give it a shot. I'm not to computer savvy. In fact, somebody installed Firefox for me after using my computer. We had some friends staying with us for about a week. I came home one day and he told me my computer was very slow so he installed Firefox---didn't ask for my permission, just did it. Wow, what a difference it made.
It is well worthwhile to take your own personal computer security and enjoyment and use seriously! Learn how to use this tool, a computer is a tool, there are functions, don't program yourself you don't know how to do it, etc. Start out with confidence that you can do it! Same as rebuilding your first chainsaw carb, first time goes slow, eventually you can do it easy.
If you can work on any engines, you can learn to use a computer properly, just takes doing it.
I will say this, don't want to get into a ford/chevy husky/stihl deal here..but, IMO, running stock windows (and IE) that comes installed on most computers is like running those chains they put on boxstore chainsaws.....I do not run windows anything....nothing from microsoft floats my boat, it is just icky to me. I did for a short time years ago and thought there just has to be something better than this.....
Get used to running firefox first, learn that well, then you can transition to another operating system and have the same firefox to use, plus a whole heaping lot more. cost=free. Any number of free open source operating systems out there, various linux and BSD flavors. many of them now are seamless point and click, feature rich, with not very much at all comand line action like in the olden daze (but still available for power users).