whats wrong in this pic?

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I don't cut down healthy trees, I work in a park and I recognize that large healthy shade trees are priceless. In my opinion the attitude that someone else will "Get the Bid"
I look at it like this, it's their tree and my money so if they want "their" tree cut down then it money for me, I have a very large Willow oak tree behind my House that shades the whole back yard that I would never cut it down but if it wasn't mine and I was getting a few thousand bucks then that baby would be gone............
I look at it like this, it's their tree and my money so if they want "their" tree cut down then it money for me, I have a very large Willow oak tree behind my House that shades the whole back yard that I would never cut it down but if it wasn't mine and I was getting a few thousand bucks then that baby would be gone............
its one thing when the homeowner wants the tree down, but its a shame for the tree guy to fool them and make them think the tree is going to fail and must come down asap. thats just f-ed up!!! rft if ya were near us u wood c us taking all the trees down in the whole yard for less than half your price
its one thing when the homeowner wants the tree down, but its a shame for the tree guy to fool them and make them think the tree is going to fail and must come down asap. thats just f-ed up!!! rft if ya were near us u wood c us taking all the trees down in the whole yard for less than half your price
now I'll never try to con a H/O into taking a healthy tree down, that is F-ED up practice and the low balling thing, been there done that when I was working for a friend of mine for a short stay, we'd do a $3000 job for $1200 and be there all week and my pay was about half of that plus 2 grunts and he wondered why he was making it.
It's a universal problem, gays in trees everywhere! :laugh:

But seriously, under cutting and poor advice is rampant, have you ever thought that filling the clients expectations with regard to aborphobia is actually an easier road than talking them out of it?

But the pricing part, well, to a degree the consumer drives that too, after all they accept the hacks bids dont they.
Old Green and Yellow Company laid me and 25 others off...

I look at it like this, it's their tree and my money so if they want "their" tree cut down then it money for me, I have a very large Willow oak tree behind my House that shades the whole back yard that I would never cut it down but if it wasn't mine and I was getting a few thousand bucks then that baby would be gone............

Green and Yellow Company with 25 employees......Thats sad, was it a power line clearance company? If so I could understand the above statement! :greenchainsaw:
Green and Yellow Company with 25 employees......Thats sad, was it a power line clearance company? If so I could understand the above statement! :greenchainsaw:
if you must know, it was Davey Tree Company and they have a lot more than 25 people, that was just the one's around here and yes it was a powerline crew but that has nothing to do with making money for myself so while you're out being a park worker worrying about other peoples tree's I'll keep cutting them down and making good money.

That would probably be the green and yellow company with 8000 employees.

yes it's them, not to mention world wide but I'll never work for them again.
if you must know, it was Davey Tree Company and they have a lot more than 25 people, that was just the one's around here and yes it was a powerline crew but that has nothing to do with making money for myself so while you're out being a park worker worrying about other peoples tree's I'll keep cutting them down and making good money.

yes it's them, not to mention world wide but I'll never work for them again.

A former Davey Employee showed me the traditional dynamic climbing system with a tauntline hitch on three strand and I'm indebted to him. He helped me start the small crew we have now. Now we are using the Blake's w/ split tail and Blue streak lines and starting to use the Icicle and H.R.C. Im not an arborist, but I do have a Tree Worker's certificate. I guess I must have ruffled some feathers, sorry about that.