Points well-taken, Nick. Subbing out is not really an option, as the folks who hire me, want me, otherwise they'd hire someone else. The only thing I could potentially sub out are takedowns. I've done this in the past, asking for a 10% commission and asking that they DO NO DAMAGE to the clients' lawns, shrubbery, power lines, etc. After a couple of those miserable failures, and the fact that I really like doing takedowns, it became not an option. I can't, and won't, place myself in a position of being liable for someone elses mistakes, misjudgements or accidents, and then have to chase them down for a measly few bucks, or go fix their sub-par work. This may work for others, but it just hasn't worked for me.
'Adjust' was done years ago by limiting my work zone, and referring to other tree companies the work I was unwilling to drive to. I ask no commission and I request Zero involvement. In the Summer I turn away about half the calls that come my way so I can keep my local backlog somewhat reasonable.
Hiring another guy into my solo work model means I am no longer a solo working model. I have taken on help recently, though this has only come about in the last month and a half, with the advent of the Musicom headsets. Now that I can communicate into a guy's ear in a noisy environment over distances AND with music, my working model has been revolutionized. Efficiency has gone up, stress stays down, morale is magical, and safety is so much better. Unplanned, though thoroughly welcomed, income has shot through the roof. I didn't expect it to be this good, but I'm still catching up on my backlog, nonetheless.
As far as scheduling Winter work projects that can be done in the Winter, I've been doing that since June. Crown reductions, mostly, but a few woodlot cleanups. I'd like to take care of my jobs within two weeks, but first, I need to take care of my estimates within two weeks. Can't sub those out, either, but I CAN call if they've been waiting more than three or four days and let them know they're on my mind.
If it sounds like I am spoiled, I am. I'm very, very spoiled, but I've worked diligently for years to have it this way and I'm willing to share what experience I have. -TM-