When are you going to get over to cut my trees?

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Right there with ya pard these young ins have not invested
all their lives to a career that our government lets illegals trash the industry.

So now we are off on another tangent. Sorry guys, I just was ranting about, well, things... again.
So many differrent people want to play so many games with you about things. If I didn't need to satisfy my ego with tree work I would do something else... sorry about that too.
So now we are off on another tangent. Sorry guys, I just was ranting about, well, things... again.
So many differrent people want to play so many games with you about things. If I didn't need to satisfy my ego with tree work I would do something else... sorry about that too.

Been on that tangent 20 years, it is high time the elected officials do their job. Oh the topic I do it when I tell them or call to re-schedule and tell them if it is a problem they may look for someone that can jump on it.
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Right there with ya pard these young ins have not invested
all their lives to a career that our government lets illegals trash the industry.

That's right. They have just about ruined this business. When I first started it was pretty good. Now it is all different. And I am getting older and tired. My longtime foreman wants to take it over and it is going to take two, maybe three years max to completely assimilate him in. Then I am gone. I got offered a job last week when the owner of a hardware store here heard me griping about this business. It paid $12.75 an hour. Forty hour week. If it is still around when I am ready I'll take it.
So now we are off on another tangent. Sorry guys, I just was ranting about, well, things... again.
So many differrent people want to play so many games with you about things. If I didn't need to satisfy my ego with tree work I would do something else... sorry about that too.

If tree work is all it takes to satisfy your ego you are pitiful. Think about what you said. Don't sell yourself out that cheap.
Had a customer once who acted like he owned the world, bragged about everything and had me do a lot of tree work and clearing. When it came time to pay, he says "well, ya got my bill for me?" I was like "sure, here ya go thanks for the biz!" He says, "well, we"ll get that out to ya in 2-3 weeks" I said the contract and invoice state that payment is to be made in a five day period after completion of work! After week three, and no check, i called him from the courthouse and said "well, where would ya like your contractor's lien mailed to, the same address?" Oh SH&t he said, i"ll get your check out today! The dirt bag airmailed it over night via fed ex. Sometimes you just gotta fight the flame with good ole flame!:buttkick:
Had a customer once who acted like he owned the world, bragged about everything and had me do a lot of tree work and clearing. When it came time to pay, he says "well, ya got my bill for me?" I was like "sure, here ya go thanks for the biz!" He says, "well, we"ll get that out to ya in 2-3 weeks" I said the contract and invoice state that payment is to be made in a five day period after completion of work! After week three, and no check, i called him from the courthouse and said "well, where would ya like your contractor's lien mailed to, the same address?" Oh SH&t he said, i"ll get your check out today! The dirt bag airmailed it over night via fed ex. Sometimes you just gotta fight the flame with good ole flame!:buttkick:

Nice to know someone has time for chit like that!
If tree work is all it takes to satisfy your ego you are pitiful. Think about what you said. Don't sell yourself out that cheap.

No, you think about what I said. Didn't say that tree work was all I needed by any stretch but my ego is nowhere the size of yours by any stretch either. Really , just a man here and yeah I get a lot out of it.
Gas stations,grocery stores,and restaraunts dont "bill me later"....WTF....just cause i got low capital means im not a real buisness.

Bet im gonna tell that to the tow truck driver when i run outta gas.

"Oh you want your money now for bringing me gas?"

"Just send me a bill"

Gimmie a F'N break.

But OT ive lost a few this year due to just not jumping when they say.
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I give my clients a month to pay, and if they are clients who are hurting, I sometimes give them 2 invoices, splitting the job to be paid over 2 months. I dont live hand to mouth, so chasing money isnt something I worry about.

I was doing a bunch of jobs for the contractor of the contractor of the local council. it took up to 5 months to get paid, at the time things were a little to quiet so it was worth keeping the job. Now they pay within a month. It was kinda nice as youd forget about how much you had done for them and then youd get this suprise late birthday present.

Record for non payment was the earthquake and war commision, they took over 8 months to pay a job which required quite a bit of helicopter work, but its hard to squeeze government! Although there is an arborist who has owed me 4k for over a year now so I guess hes now the winner.
Nice to know someone has time for chit like that!

No he is right and it takes 5 mins. After 30 days file and start calling. Big comapnies used contract collectors to call but you should be allowed. The lein will go through, a mechanic will do for the title lein on the car ( and he can keep the car too til its paid for) but we go for the deed on the house which just says that whatever profit from the sale of the house has to go towards resolving the lien. A lien can be dissolved in court or by payment.
All you need to set up one for real is an invoice. If you dump chips on someones property regeardless of where they came from and the owners don't want them you have a real problem. Even if you get away the cops are going to ask them" Who would dump chips on your lawn?" and the people are going to tell them it was you. They will come and aresst you for trespassing, short dumping and you will be held liable to clean it up which might be hard becuase your topkick is in the impound lot. This never happened to me but then I never threatened anyone with dumping chips like that... I just did it.
Once I stole this car ( abandoned right outside the city) I got it running and drove it through this pricks yard, took out the garbage cans, turfed the lawn, left it parked on an rhododendron. All the guy did to me was yell at me for using his driveway to back the truck into another, actually it was his wife, and he let her. Man, if I had a digital camera then.
Now I know stealing cars is wrong and it was an adabdoned 86 sonato crashed in the woods outside my rented apartment so don't give me any crap about it, you don't hear me crying cause I didn't get paid. Yeah, send a bill when you are done, wait a while, it usually will come but if it don't just use logic.
I give my clients a month to pay, and if they are clients who are hurting, I sometimes give them 2 invoices, splitting the job to be paid over 2 months. I dont live hand to mouth, so chasing money isnt something I worry about.

I was doing a bunch of jobs for the contractor of the contractor of the local council. it took up to 5 months to get paid, at the time things were a little to quiet so it was worth keeping the job. Now they pay within a month. It was kinda nice as youd forget about how much you had done for them and then youd get this suprise late birthday present.

Record for non payment was the earthquake and war commision, they took over 8 months to pay a job which required quite a bit of helicopter work, but its hard to squeeze government! Although there is an arborist who has owed me 4k for over a year now so I guess hes now the winner.

You are a heartbreaker buddy, I love ya for it. It makes a guy feel important that others owe him money, huh? Works for me.
I give my clients a month to pay, and if they are clients who are hurting, I sometimes give them 2 invoices, splitting the job to be paid over 2 months. I dont live hand to mouth, so chasing money isnt something I worry about.

I was doing a bunch of jobs for the contractor of the contractor of the local council. it took up to 5 months to get paid, at the time things were a little to quiet so it was worth keeping the job. Now they pay within a month. It was kinda nice as youd forget about how much you had done for them and then youd get this suprise late birthday present.

Record for non payment was the earthquake and war commision, they took over 8 months to pay a job which required quite a bit of helicopter work, but its hard to squeeze government! Although there is an arborist who has owed me 4k for over a year now so I guess hes now the winner.
It's not about chasing your dollar down and living check to check. It's about "hey, You asked me to do this work, i did it safely, responsibly, and ethically" so pay up when it's due! A man is only as good as his word ya know! If someone wants to jack me around, they'll never get my svcs again. Way too many payin customers out there. No, you guys billing and givin people 9 years to pay up are really pressin your luck! I'm 30 yrs old, in my second new home, have a decent biz, soon to be wife is soon to be a pharmacist, 95% of my equip is payed for, and i still believe that the sob has no longer than a month to pay his dues to me! Fair is fair, some folks need to be a little more firm with people. Hopefully you folks that give em all the slack aren't afraid of such possible loss of biz. Heck you should be happy to wash your hands of a dirty rat who don't wana pay! Life is too short to work for people and then have to fight to get payed:chainsaw: . Do unto others as you'd have em do unto you. Or was it do unto them before they do unto you? LOL
It's not about chasing your dollar down and living check to check. It's about "hey, You asked me to do this work, i did it safely, responsibly, and ethically" so pay up when it's due! A man is only as good as his word ya know! If someone wants to jack me around, they'll never get my svcs again. Way too many payin customers out there. No, you guys billing and givin people 9 years to pay up are really pressin your luck! I'm 30 yrs old, in my second new home, have a decent biz, soon to be wife is soon to be a pharmacist, 95% of my equip is payed for, and i still believe that the sob has no longer than a month to pay his dues to me! Fair is fair, some folks need to be a little more firm with people. Hopefully you folks that give em all the slack aren't afraid of such possible loss of biz. Heck you should be happy to wash your hands of a dirty rat who don't wana pay! Life is too short to work for people and then have to fight to get payed:chainsaw: . Do unto others as you'd have em do unto you. Or was it do unto them before they do unto you? LOL

One reason I like to send out the bill is that it gives the client time to look over my work and if there is a problem I can fix it pronto.
Hey, but if you got some money now...
No he is right and it takes 5 mins. After 30 days file and start calling. Big comapnies used contract collectors to call but you should be allowed. The lein will go through, a mechanic will do for the title lein on the car ( and he can keep the car too til its paid for) but we go for the deed on the house which just says that whatever profit from the sale of the house has to go towards resolving the lien. A lien can be dissolved in court or by payment.
All you need to set up one for real is an invoice. If you dump chips on someones property regeardless of where they came from and the owners don't want them you have a real problem. Even if you get away the cops are going to ask them" Who would dump chips on your lawn?" and the people are going to tell them it was you. They will come and aresst you for trespassing, short dumping and you will be held liable to clean it up which might be hard becuase your topkick is in the impound lot. This never happened to me but then I never threatened anyone with dumping chips like that... I just did it.
Once I stole this car ( abandoned right outside the city) I got it running and drove it through this pricks yard, took out the garbage cans, turfed the lawn, left it parked on an rhododendron. All the guy did to me was yell at me for using his driveway to back the truck into another, actually it was his wife, and he let her. Man, if I had a digital camera then.
Now I know stealing cars is wrong and it was an adabdoned 86 sonato crashed in the woods outside my rented apartment so don't give me any crap about it, you don't hear me crying cause I didn't get paid. Yeah, send a bill when you are done, wait a while, it usually will come but if it don't just use logic.

You got me mistaken I don't chip so how would I dump them?
If they piss me off too much I would wrap my winch cable around their
home and squeeze not dump:hmm3grin2orange:
One reason I like to send out the bill is that it gives the client time to look over my work and if there is a problem I can fix it pronto.
Hey, but if you got some money now...

When the client is home they have the opportunity to do a walk around of the property with me at the end of the job. I prefer that they do, that way I know we covered everything discussed and expected before I collect. When I get the question do you send me a bill? I said we can but we prefer to collect upon satisfactory completion of the work as stated at the bottom of your contract. I agree that it may look more professional to always bill but its not always feasable when we are getting checks that sit in the bank from 7-12 days before clearing, equipment payments, employees, taxes, W/C, advertising, etc.. etc... Before you know it you have 30k out in IOU's and you just shelled out another 10k this past month alone and now you are feelig the heat as the company owner. Often the clients are not home and in that case we leave a bill in the door with the option to contact us for payment options, or our mailing address for the buisness. One thing that helps is reviewing the contract you just wrote up before they sign it, just a quick over view of the job and the terms and conditions, Like payment options, CASH, CREDIT CARD, CHECK, OR MONEY ORDER. UPON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF WORK. (assuming they are home) And a estimated date weather permitting you expect to be there.
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You got me mistaken I don't chip so how would I dump them?
If they piss me off too much I would wrap my winch cable around their
home and squeeze not dump:hmm3grin2orange:

No not you, I know you got it figured. You as in anybody who wants to pay cash to have their ttree truck released from the impound. I am not sure of what the law says about house squeezing.
Jeez, went from a compalint about nagging clients to a full bore wailin over ****** not gettin pay-ed.
On either account I wanted to impress my opinion that's since its really not fun to pucker up to deliver a 4 course butt kissin just cause someone feels they want to go for the upper hand and squeeze me for their own enjoyment. I see it coming.
I loved old Nancy, I think she should have smoked some dope BUT she was right, " Just say NO."
The guys who keep an butt kisser on staff really have got it made though. Wouldn't you agree?
I can't really go into detail any un-paid invoice policies... anymore but I think alot of the reason alot of this #### happens is that they think they can get anyway with because of those butt kissers. Don't say nothing about that kind of work on my business card.
I think a lot of guys might even promise or say things beforehand to get the job, things that never happen. Sometimes clients try to get me to say what they want to hear and committ to it. Ever been in one of those vicious circles? I know you have, it keeps going around and around. " So you say thurs?" " No you schumck, I did not, you said thurs, I said hopefully before the end of time cause that is how long it is going to take you to stop wasting my time and decide if you want this little dead tree cut down... or not!"
All part of the game, and its a game, yup , sure is, sorry Treeco, its true. you just got picked over for a guy gasing his wild thang. Purple and green? See even the guys who made them saws have a sense of humour.
A client of mine just called to see about some firewood. Ya'll know the price right? So with her allready haveing giving me about 3 grand and its close I got to 180 for primo stuff. I am not handing out govermant cheese you know.
To high she says and want to know where else to try.
Now this lady ( perdone' the expression, man hating rug muncher fits way better. Really SHE'S A MAN BABY! The grilfriend might have been nice way back in the day before she got manhandled by her husband, but really enough of that.
So I tell her to go to Chris and get some of that punky silver maple I dropped off cause he is the real guy to see. He 's got the processor and all. Almost makes me wish i took advantage of her when she couldn't get that big mower going. I could had for a few hundred and all it needed was a cotter pin. I guess I just figured if I did that she would have more reason to want to keep hating men.
Now Chris is a wood dealer so he sets the price but when my own real arboricultural competition is so ready and eager to under- bid on some hand split cord wood? Kiss my ass and call me Mary, you can keep it. Now let me say that I had to tell these guys how to "do- it" a time or two ( my arboricultural competition that is). They are stubborn though, they went and bought a bucket, still didn't help much. 45 years combined experiance and they got me out there in my sandals picking their clients trash and saying " Oh, I thought that was an ash." I said " I don't know you level of experiance but for 300 I will tell you how to do it." I told them all about how I work and said i would call to let them know when I had time and we would go from there. I did what I said and called them, but they never called me back cause I have a feeling those two did do what I said about taking it down. I just whish I could have watched them doing it. I almost told them I would work the ground for free on that one.
Even went 2 cords for 300, we really did a lot of work for them two upstanding lesbian ladies living over there on Frog Hollow ( the same frog hollow the hot air balloon went afire, same frog hollow I touched down in weeks prior in the same ballono). We share a lot of memories together them two ladies. Well, i can't really say 'share' cause we don't share anything and the memories are actually perverted fantasy but its still there man and I just do the best I can with what I got cause what I got is whatever they keep giving me. Lesbians are like puppies and kittens, they are cute when they are young.

WOW to sit and have a few beer and smokes with the Dan-Man would probable be a night to remember.....yer a
F-en card dude. a F-en card. :clap: