when nature calls on the job?

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when nature calls #2 on the job

  • find the woods

    Votes: 25 42.4%
  • go in the truck

    Votes: 12 20.3%
  • ask the home owner

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • leave the job and use a public restroom

    Votes: 11 18.6%

  • Total voters
Yep thats so true TMcP.
A Human is a Human is a Human, we all do the same things.
Whats a few chips in a bathroom? I would much rather have a guy chit in the loo than go walking out in the woods and step in some human stuff!
You guys are a gas...:popcorn:

I tend to find the woods with paper towels and my trusty WWII style etool, or a cornfield when the corn is up. (My anonymous contributions to arboriculture and agriculture) I've been known to make proper use of abandon farmstead buildings and bin sites. Under an occasional bridge also lends an option.

I haven't used the chipper box yet, but I keep it in mind always. Coop members put in requests for chips. I’d hate to dump on them like that, they are the owners. It’s bad enough that loads are often laced with thorns and poison oak/ivy, but to bury a landmine to boot is unthinkable.

Why it is nothing short of domestic terrorism!

Can you imagine the poor individual happily mulching the ole landscape and getting stuck a few times with a few ironclad thorns, and then coming in contact with a landmine, or thorns laced with landmine material. It could be bad, real bad, and then add a good case of poison ivy/oak to boot.

I can hear the call to Coop headquarters now.

Therefore, if ever I have to rush to the chipper box, my post dumping dumping options become very inconvenient.

I've never used the homeowner's bathroom, but if I was in a real bind with limited options, I wouldn't be above asking. Beats getting caught before or after and I'll bet I'd lose the job and/or the contract if I did. That would be one expensive Doogie Howitzer, M.D. (Massive Dump)

I try to take care of business before I go out for the day and I generally don't eat too much more than raw healthy snack food during the day with my V8. I'm sort of on a routine schedule. By the time I make it home it is usually the first order of business, or at least on the way I can stop if need be.

Timing is the key to success in so many things, but one must be flexible as well, willing to adapt to changing conditions if you catch my drift.


Ice Storm, December 2007, Joplin, Mo.

Sitting down to eat yet another steak dinner I'm overwhelmed with the notion that I had better run to beat the running within. 3 trips before the steak ever made it to the table.

This was bad boogie, and after a few bites I retired to my room. The boys knew I was sick to walk away from that. Whatever it was, it was going around and it looked to be my turn.

I was up all night going to and fro and getting worse. My wife called and she suggested dark chocolate for the flavenoid content. She said that it had cleared the kids up many times before and you don't have any troubles with them taking enough for effect. Sure beats Pepto and the like, which never really worked too good for me anyway.

So the next morning I wasn't any better, but I loaded up and we rolled out for the fuel stop. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not, but I prayed and hoped for the best.

I stocked up on three bars of Dove's Dark Chocolate for breakfast and that was the abrupt end to all the nonsense. I didn't even go until I made it back in. I worked all day some 12+ hours and felt great to boot.

So the next time the runs try to keep you from running, give dark chocolate a whirl, just don't get hooked on it like me.:)
Maybe its an american thing, but what is wrong with asking the homeowner to use the bathroom? Are you supposed to be beyond needing to go?
I wouldnt think it better to hide your crap somewhere on there property with that risk being found either during or sometime after. Do you know how long you would be remembered in that neighbourhood if you were caught by someone? How many of there friends they would tell and so on?

Would you deny someone working hard on your property the use of the bathroom? I guess I just see things differently. Or perhaps workers are looked on differenty here. Here it would be unusual to not get tea of coffee on the job by the homeowner. If we are on the job a full day on a quarter of the jobs we will be offered food for lunch (which we politely turn down with thanks).

It wouldn't bother me to ask to use the home owners bathroom, but it would probably be the last resort if a Micky D's wasn't very close, But I'm not against leaving a little wolf bait in the woods either it's the lack of good chit tickets that bother me the most in that situation:cry:
TimberMcPherson, I'm with you....definitely no problem asking HO to use their bog. Doesn't happen often though as I like to have a good old purge in the morning before setting off for work (sometimes though need 2 or 3 good purges, which has been known to see me late out of the door and therefore late at the bosses place!). Last week was a bad one though. We'd worked like mad all morning, living on fruit and cereal bars...then came lunch time and we were suffering from lack of fat food so went through McD's drive through. No ****, within half an hour of arriving on the afternoon job, boss had to ask to use the loo.....followed 10 minutes later by me having to use the loo as well. I walked in and....THE STINK was BAAADDD. And all I could do was add to it. And what made it worse was the fact that the little bathroom window was painted shut! I sprayed loads of air freshener but still there was the smell of half digested Big Mac hanging in the air. Within seconds of walking back out the door, the HO had opened nearly every window in the house.

But she loves us. And being human, and having been married to a human husband and having human children, she fully understands the ways of the body. She's been a customer for 20 years and despite the fact that we sometime make nasty smells, she never has anyone else work for her. Things may be different if she walked out behind her shrubs and trees and stepped in a pile of freshly squeezed turd!

The only times I have to go outdoors somewhere and we're away from houses, it always gets buried at least half a foot under.

A neat trick a builder I was working for kindly demonstrated for me, for times of emergency, is to half fill a bucket with water, sit on it to do your business, then tip it in a hole and cover over. Works a treat, and keeps the smell down when in a confined space like a garage!
With the mindless green animal I have had to crap in zip lock bags, do it right and you can use the same bag to wipe with to, without getting any on the outside. And they make great handwarmers for a while when its real cold out on stag. Not a skill im keen on revisiting!
man this thread is funny lmao.

i wouldnt be taking no dump behind an HOs shed. they will more than likely find anything that is less than a thousand feet from the home. if you came to my property to do some work, and a found a damn dog pile in the back yard, when i dont own a dog, id be pi$$ed! sounds like a good way to lose clients to me......

i am not above asking the HO to use their bath, and have been offered many times. However i have yet to do so. i am a man, and as such i take man sized $hits. I dont need an HOs home stinking of chili and beer, not to mention covered in sawdust, mud, sap, and you name it.

there is always an alternative in my mind. gas station, burger king, grocery store. anywhere there are peope theres normally a bathroom lol. or if your out in the country workin, just drive down the road a couple miles to a nice thicket and have yourself some quality time lol.
man this thread is funny lmao.

i wouldnt be taking no dump behind an HOs shed. they will more than likely find anything that is less than a thousand feet from the home. if you came to my property to do some work, and a found a damn dog pile in the back yard, when i dont own a dog, id be pi$$ed! sounds like a good way to lose clients to me......

i am not above asking the HO to use their bath, and have been offered many times. However i have yet to do so. i am a man, and as such i take man sized $hits. I dont need an HOs home stinking of chili and beer, not to mention covered in sawdust, mud, sap, and you name it.

there is always an alternative in my mind. gas station, burger king, grocery store. anywhere there are peope theres normally a bathroom lol. or if your out in the country workin, just drive down the road a couple miles to a nice thicket and have yourself some quality time lol.

Youngsters just don't understand lol sometimes or at sometime
in your life you will find no time for driving, emergencies are more
a norm.:rolleyes:
Funny ya mention that I was thinking of designing some of those
for deer hunting scent proof depends :laugh: I had to change my coke
intake a while back and problem quit but eating habits flair it up at times.
I had not thought about that, I am not in the business. My suggestion:
There is a portable toilet with disosable bags available for campers, also a small tent like structure to house it in. I believe Cabela's has it. Probably cheaper than renting a porta potty as available at construction sites.

I suppose a portable toilet could be rented, or leased and towed on a trailer to job sites, I don't know what that would cost. The rental company would clean it out once a week or when requested.
Five gallon bucket, some sawdust if can find any, and you have an instant portojohn, just dump it when you get home on your mulch pile.

Same bucket with a plastic grocery bag, some sawdust and tie it up when done.

Sawdust toilets are common, and the idea is old as moses. Works great.
Timer: I think the thing about the americans is that they might be afraid of beeing sued if they drop a stinking bomb in the homeowners toilet :greenchainsaw:
Timer: I think the thing about the americans is that they might be afraid of beeing sued if they drop a stinking bomb in the homeowners toilet :greenchainsaw:

No, I doubt it. Have you seen the price of the lawyers here? Plus with all the lawsuits going on you'd have to wait 5 years to have it even heard, that turd would back in Norway before you could prove it in the Crime scene investagation Lab for DNA testing.
Seeings how I'm almost always in the middle of town when working, and I am young enough to still have control over my bowels, I head down the road. Always someplace with a hungry toilet.
Yup, with the houses going up around here I just run down the road wherever I'm at and use their Porta-Jon, or if 'm lucky theres a place with running water. I'll drop one in the woods if I need to, but you never know who's looking. When I worked for a framing crew one of the other carpenters came back covered with paintballs, apparently a group of teenagers were out playing paintball where he was taking care of business. He didn't find it nearly as funny as they did, so every time he went out after that he took the Paslode Nailer with him, and vowed to give them kids he11 if they got close.
imo public restrooms are SICK! i have a wife and two kids and if i were to ever catch any kind of funk from some skumbag i would explode in a wrath of destruction!!!! i have worked with some real questionable looking people in this line of work and if any were ever to get hurt like sever bleeding or stop breathing i would let em die on the spot.:jawdrop:
Youngsters just don't understand lol sometimes or at sometime
in your life you will find no time for driving, emergencies are more
a norm.:rolleyes:
rope has heavy beer chits, every day.:cheers: