What he is saying is a climber was climbing a tree. You were watching. The climber manages to cut the rope and the lanyard with his chainsaw (remember TITS). So you are standing there, and you see climber comming down at a pretty good clip. You shout up, "Are there Bees?!?" and his reply is,"Hell no, I am fall.."
What Butch wants to know is what would you do to help keep him from fitting in his helment when he hits the ground.
I say it would depend on the height:
If it was under say 20ish feet and he was falling foot first, nothing probably. If he was falling headfirst, get in front or behind him depending if he is falling like this / or \ and try to catch him under his arms, so his feet kick down and his head stays up for a lillt bit.
If he were under say 40 ft. The critical heigth, I would get under him, catch his head like in the first one and then fallback/crumple with him.
If it were over 40' it would be a judgment call, because they would be moving at a pretty good clip. I would have to decide if I really liked the guy, had he ever pissed me off on purpose, what he would do for me, if he by chance has me written in his will..., ect. You may say that I wouldn't have time, but think about how high he was, you would have a few seconds to consider his worth to you :angel: :angel:
Or I would get under them like before, and jump up a little to reduce the force in his body, and crumple again with him, trying to keep his head up.