Where's Gypo Bucker?

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Hi Ed, that sounds great, but lets cut it back a bit, I'll chop you skid. 10,000 ft. max per day. It takes only 30- 45 trees to make a load around here. Or you can chop,skid and buck for grade while I pull the tops and make trails behind you with my Kubota. @ 15,000/ load divided between you I and the woodlot owner, we should be able to work 5 hrs./day for 6 months/yr. and gross 750,000 each. Thats what I call working bankers hours.
We need a timber procurement officer though, and John Rupley comes to mind, he could buy our stumpage and keep us all in the pink. We can rename the company "The Tree Amigos".
But dont tell anybody, or we will be saying- " Oh no, not another Logger! "

You`ve made a good point regarding people`s unabashed quest for free and easily gleaned knowledge from those like Ed without offering anything in return. I`m not surprised that You have raised the bar for them by offering ehp a hunt at King`s Ranch as an exchange. First class all the way! And unfortunately probably beyond my means, although my door is always open for hospitality. The hunting around here is not all that good, although there are many woodchucks. I could also show them a few pigs. :D :D What a person chooses to do with them is a personal choice.

Since I have so little to offer locally, I`m thinking of I`ll just make a summer tour of the homes of all of the resident experts here, thereby ingratiating myself with them. I`ll be bringing my camper so as not to infringe too heavily upon them, as long as they have an outdoor 50A/120vac hookup so that I can run my microwave, air conditioner, and dish for my internet . Since my camper will comfortably accomodate about 6 more people I will be accepting reservations from other interested Arboristsite members. I`m hoping that Fish, Rocky, Rupe Goldberg, Porkuface and Ben will be available since I know that this winning combination including myself would make this trip a truly enriching and enlightening experience for the lucky hosts. I plan on picking up Beavergirl in Oregon, afterwhich the others will be on their own to get back home. I prefer travelling alone. Hopefully my Dodge truck will succesfully tow us north through Canada, onward to California, and back.

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The Revival sounds like a blast! I`m planning as a New Years resolution to take up drinking again so that you guys don`t shame me too badly. :eek:

Originally posted by Dennis
Mark, was that pipe built by photoshop 5? or photoshop 6?

I am using photo shop 9 beta along with office 2004 beta. I have plenty of copies to mail out let me know who needs one.

My friend pays for a lease option on the Kings ranch, I have hunted there a few times and let me tell you bomber bucks all day. Last year it was common to see maybe 30-40 150-160 class bucks. There is also Nigel that you can shoot and plenty of pigs and ducks. Of course coyotes galour, why hunt deer when you can shoot song dogs all day and night.
Last year I beaned 3 does with an AR15 .17 rem on the Ranch.
So Marky Mark when are we leaving , i got my 460 weatherby packed is that big enough , i was going to being my little guns a 300 mag and a 338 mag , they may be not to good for duck hunting . I know 20 rounds out of that 338 and your shoulder will be hurting quite good, 20 out of the 460 and your wallet will be hurting bad
Not sure on the charge but i do know one thing , one of my friends was out west elk hunting and they will not let him being the meat back into Canada because of the mad cow so i donot know what he has done with the meat
Hi Ed, Dennis and Tommy and all others who care to listen, I am reveiling my shop where I file my chain.
My good buddy Hank froze to death and I had to saw him up to fit him in the pine box I made. Isn't it picturesque?
Salvation Bill
Ed I don't thing your going to need those big hot rod rifles, you and Doug are the only ones I know with a 460. Right now I have a 7x300 ultra that is just rocking. I will send an Email with all the details and our Itinirary. You'll need plenty of ammo since I like to plug everything that legal. Tons of hogs and pleny of coyotes.

Hey Mike, I have olny used a "Bang Stick" is when shark Fishing out in Long Island. Look Here

Maybe this Jan we can have an online Crow shoot.

Oh Ed did you get my snowmobile crank done yet. Let me know when the sled is finished so I can make plans to pick it up.
Yes the crank is staightened and welded, please no more blown belts on that drag motor. I used a .308 here most of the time even moose hunting, .460 is just something to talk about,but good for squirrel hunting , noneed to clean them once you hit them.