Where's WYK been, and what trouble is he making?

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So this is interesting. This is an invoice from St James hospital, the largest and most advanced one we have in Dublin. It is also our best trauma and surgical hospital. Once the paramedics stabilized me, they brought me directly to St James. They did mention I was in cardiac arrest for quite some time, and were surprised to find me conscious when they arrived. Even though my heart was having difficulty finding blood, it just kept pumping and pumping. They never did have to use a defibrillator even though they plumbed me for one. Anyways, I went in to St James where they immediately shoved me full of blood meds and went to work installing two stents. Once I was stable there, I was sent to St Vincents University Hospital for observation. The same Doctor that installed my first set came to the Cardiology cath lab in St Vincents and installed a further 4 more later in the week. We'll see if I get a bill from St Vincents and the Ambulance(the wife is unsure if the Ambulance will charge or not).

Looking on line, emergency admittance and 2 stents can be anywhere from $20-50K stateside. I dunno how the insurance works there nowadays with Obamacare. But here, my fee was €80, payable at any post office:


Now the procedure itself could be an extra payment. And I stayed nearly a week at St Vincents, so we'll have to see.
I should prolly pay that bill someday.

So Galway got a neat new toy to treat heart patients with. I didn't get to use it :(
I hope Brenden, the Donegal man they interview in this story, has a full recovery and is able to speak again some day:

I should prolly pay that bill someday.

So Galway got a neat new toy to treat heart patients with. I didn't get to use it :(
I hope Brenden, the Donegal man they interview in this story, has a full recovery and is able to speak again some day:

Ironically, My loser brother called me Monday? morning... sounded just like that guy for a good 5 minutes, he's never even been to Ireland... though he did just get out of the hospital for yet another heart attack, dudes BP is like 240 over 180 or something insane... still thinks he's tougher then me though.
The highest I ever blew was 190 over 140 ish. Which really alarmed the doctors. I just had a HUGE lunch, too. So my blood sugar levels were also way high. They panicked and put me on loads of drugs. I really should have stayed on them in hindsight...
Lemme drag up a recent BP and pulse after all this nonsense(of which I also lost like 20 lbs from as well)...


I haven't seen anything like that since I was 18.
Yeah, I got on Lisinopril a couple years ago... I blame driving truck

My Bro has never taken very good care of himself, a lot, and I mean a lot of Meth, then got clean and got a CDL and a long haul driving job, that honestly kept him pretty clean for awhile, but... he's also lazy and eats more garbage then a raccoon. So anyway, now he's got water on the heart, diabetes, his kidneys are shutting down, a couple of strokes... annnnnnnd Social Security covers his medical debt... anyway, sometime in the next couple years I'm going to have to be the one to scatter his ashes, no one else will, even though he's spent literally every penny he's ever earned or was given on his "friends" who tend to disappear when he's broke every month.
OK, so you guys are saying there are a few mills hiring in the NW area?
Mebbe I can buy a used trailer or sumfin...
everybody is hiring, even the local Mail needs folks, starting a $19 hr but you need a car, they generally provide a mail wagon though...
not saying you can afford to rent anywhere at $19 an hour...
Hampton in Darringtion, Buse in Everett, SPI in Burlington, I bet you could get on at Beck Ceder In Stanwood... they are always short staffed, like chronically... Fritch in Maltby's hiring sign is growing moss... they don't even drug test... Dozens of nurseries will be hiring soon... Amazon is always hiring. If you can figure out a fork lift I'm sure the lumberyards can use help too. Or any of 100's of hardware stores, to say nothing of Boeing and its related industries.

housing is straight ****** though, rents overpriced, buying is a test of your sanity... so a lot of folks are staying in RV's (caravans)
ahem... DON'T MOVE HERE... it rains constantly, the liberals have taken over, its always cold, no sunshine, no hope... and the tourists are unbearable
but also if you need medical help... it will bankrupt you even with insurance.
I may buy a small van and simply live out of it near a truck stop, I guess.
I'm familiar with the area, though. Lived there off and on for years. I like it.
Nate was kind enough to gimme a sofa for a while, too. He's a good guy.
But I promise I won't beg off ya this time, Nathan. I got some savings for now...
But the home situation is terrible, and I don't want to be a burden on the estate in Waterford, either.
At least if I go stateside I can get a job. Man, last time I was there, no one was hiring. I did part time timber cruising and it paid ****.
What a difference.
Geziz, did any of you read thru that 'kitkat' tragedy with the Ash left cut leaning towards their house?

That is terrifying. That ash is purdy mature.
We had a beech that was too close to one of our 100 year old lodge houses that the boss asked me about. I told her I could do, but there was no guarantee that beech was not gonna do what it wanted to as it was mature and beech loves to split. I told her to get a climber. 2K now is better than 20K later.
Got a few duckets ya want to throw at the Ukraine? This guy has been in the media a few times lately. He and his company, based and founded in the Ukraine, modify standard available vehicles in the Ukraine for combat. Many of those 'madmax' machines you see in the news are form his shop.

Re: job opportunities
it's a way mixed bag because the good jobs are in lousy places. There's a forester position in Loomis AKA nowhere that has been up all month with so far zero applicants. That's just my agency and I imagine the others are in the same position. Covid has people applying leverage they didn't have before in accepting positions so there's lots of foot-in-the-door opportunities that might otherwise get overlooked.

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