So this is interesting. This is an invoice from St James hospital, the largest and most advanced one we have in Dublin. It is also our best trauma and surgical hospital. Once the paramedics stabilized me, they brought me directly to St James. They did mention I was in cardiac arrest for quite some time, and were surprised to find me conscious when they arrived. Even though my heart was having difficulty finding blood, it just kept pumping and pumping. They never did have to use a defibrillator even though they plumbed me for one. Anyways, I went in to St James where they immediately shoved me full of blood meds and went to work installing two stents. Once I was stable there, I was sent to St Vincents University Hospital for observation. The same Doctor that installed my first set came to the Cardiology cath lab in St Vincents and installed a further 4 more later in the week. We'll see if I get a bill from St Vincents and the Ambulance(the wife is unsure if the Ambulance will charge or not).
Looking on line, emergency admittance and 2 stents can be anywhere from $20-50K stateside. I dunno how the insurance works there nowadays with Obamacare. But here, my fee was €80, payable at any post office:
Now the procedure itself could be an extra payment. And I stayed nearly a week at St Vincents, so we'll have to see.
Looking on line, emergency admittance and 2 stents can be anywhere from $20-50K stateside. I dunno how the insurance works there nowadays with Obamacare. But here, my fee was €80, payable at any post office:

Now the procedure itself could be an extra payment. And I stayed nearly a week at St Vincents, so we'll have to see.