Thanks for the kind words, buds. Yes, Joe, the very same hound you saw. She's with me here in my mobile home dreaming of rabbit and farting like a corn fed heifer. The noodle (long story, but that's her nickname), is doing amazingly well. She is healing very quickly. Been treating the wound with manuka honey(which is terrible in tea, btw) and saline. It is starting to close up real good. We may be able to stitch it soon. It also looks like they may have to put down the Alsatian that attacked her as he's done it before, and according to the warden "Acts an arse of itself a fair bit". I hate to see it happen, but I gotta say I am not too fond of that dog at the moment.
In other news, I bought a JRed 2165 in decent condition for about 200 pounds. That's a lot in USD but not so much in Euro. Still, it hurts me, I don't make crap here. New, they are still 900 Euro.

So this will have to do. It is in Yorkshire, and a bud is grabbing it over the weekend for me. He may be able to drop it by early next week if all goes well. I will then put this ported cylinder and pop up piston on it and do some work. I hope it's in as good a condition as they said. GWO is what they call it here: Good Working Order.
Logging here is different from the States, Northman. They do not use it for construction, only interiors, some joists, stairs, interior framing, furniture, sheds, etc. The rest is masonry or stone. So it isn't too active here, especially since the economy here is even worse than there. It's mostly part time work. If I got the certs for forestry equipment(I currently have 3 for chainsaws), I would likely have to go to France or the UK for steady work. I also want to grab a couple more chainsaw certs while I am ait it.