Who does the best woods Port?

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I'd love to see a Simon saw run!!!!!!!!! Damn near be willing to pay for it if he'd do one!!!
Simon??? You out there? Ready to do a live one now?
The thread starter said he wanted long life saws. If Dean puts boost ports in a saw, along with other stuff that I've heard about, they'll be fast, but may not last. All my 10-15 or so modded work saws are plenty fast, and they last. They've had none of that fancy stuff done to them that belongs on race saws, or maybe for a faller who wants lots of speed, and is willing to accept that the saw might be used up in a short while..relatively.


I've shyed away from the finger ports, directional transfer ports, gutting out the bottom transfers. Hardly even raise the exhaust now.

I went threw a ton of after market 660 kits until I finally figured it all out.

I start with a milled cylinder and piston (.035) and now just widen and slightly raise the exhaust, widen and slightly lower the intake remove a a little material from the bottom transfers and then I polish the heck out of every thing.
I gut the muffler, match it, add another port, put on a ported face plate and after market air, Green Weinie or MaxFlo.

I also split the case and install ceramic ball bearings in the races.
Bottom line, set it at around 13,600 -800 and it's a ported woods saw that kicks butt and is very reliable.
What compression do you run?

In my 660 I am refering to it is 155 cold with a .027 squish with a gasket. Don't know about when warmed up - have never tested it. Don't like removing spark plugs from hot cylinders.
Whatever it is or is not - the performance is exactly what I want.
Hey guys, I am alive and kicking and the shop is still up and going. We pulled ALL adverrtising for the summer. As noted I am working a full time job building a cabin for a friend of mine and working in the shop nights and weekends. Right now we are trying to clear the shop out and get completely caught up and reorganizing the shop. As soon as that is accomplished we will be firing up under a new name. we still are taking a few orders in when people call us but am not actively advertising for any work.

The reason for this is that I got in over my head building a few race saws when I should have stuck to woods mods. Int he future our shop will ONLY build woods ports. Any race saws will be for us only. Look for things to be better and more organized in the future. This company started out as something completely different and has ended up where it is at but with out a clear plan from the beginning ans so we need to start it at the beginning again with a clear plan.

To adress boost ports and finger ports. Boost ports actually are better for longevity but only work at lower elevations and are not good for any one above 3500 feet. Finger ports work good if they are narrow and deep. Wide finger ports do tend to hurt ring life over time.
I have really good luck with them at sea level, but a few customers have had problems with them up higher. The reason I suspect is that the way they pull from the boundry layer int he intake that they add too much raw fuel and there is just not enough air density to make them work at higher altitudes. It might help to go to a bigger carburetor but I have not experimented with that myself. Any how they work really well down low but not so good up high.