Mueller 3 kg (6.6 lb) maul demonstrated two things to me:
1. How a maul head should be shaped. I then applied that lesson to two Bradlees-special mauls to good effect.
2. Excellent metallurgy- hard & tough steel.
That maul is my "heavy artillery" for any hard-cases.
Then I got a 5.5 lb Wetterlings (dead ringer for Husqy maul from Hultafors Bruks) and a 6 lb Council Tools maul. With that arsenal, not much need to take prisoners. Council Tools maul and "Jersey-pattern" axe are also super-bargains, IMO, for ~$25 each.
@Ironworker I'll be bringing the assortment for your evaluation at the GTG on 4/26. I hope you'll trust some of us to try the Gransfors.
@hardpan see the bit about Council Tool prices. From NC, US of A.