Who really is the KING of modifying?

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timberwolf said:
I have yet to screw a saw up, maybe I did not get all that I could have from some mods, but tell me hacking 2mm from the piston gives you 100% of a saws potential.

What does give you 100% of a saws potential? hahahahaha! Try screwing one up! That's how you learn. If you think a good builder hasn't screwed something up trying to make it better, you're crazy:monkey:
klickitatsacket said:
Mike I agree with you. I have been trying to get things to move faster in the shop but it is tough. If I am in the shop 8 hrs. a day I do not have time to talk with my customers on the phone or answer emails. This is a very new thing to most people and it takes an average of 15 minutes per person answer all their questions. some even more. If I stop to give customer service then I fall behind doing port work. The average saw in here takes about 8 man hours to complete. Finding the right person to take over in the shop to do most of the work under my supervision is a very tough thing to find. It is a balancing act and a bit of a learning curve. I just hired a new tech who is very good and has had a lot of experiance porting motor cycles. He has agreed to come work for me and do things my way. I am very excited because I have been after him for over a year and when Ben left it just so happened that his job had folded and needed work. Yesterday was his first full day. Besides having 20 years in bike racing he also offers tig welding (and the machine). this is going to give us some new options on port design that where too costly before. Like I said before; this year is going to be exciting for us. I will be able to spend more time improving our business end of things while the shop will get better with improved tooling for better production making it possible for better and faster designs to start emerging with more options to fit differant budgets.

Dean....STAY OFF the PHONE!....and your production will double or triple.......Hahahaha! :monkey: :cheers:
Rick, do you build all your chains the same for every saw?

Is it going to be run on stock 460s or a modded saw, what size and type of wood, what will the saw be geared at?

Who is the operator, or do we run our own chain on a single demo saw?

I would bet money too that Ed does not give two hoots about notes taken on people spewing about saw mods here or anywhere else. Kind of funny that you even think he cares.

Looking forward to a good race or two this summer, as you say summer is comming, and it's a good thing because it seems you guys don't race if it is too cold.

Have too agree with Denis screwing up is part of learning. But it is a sick puppy that takes pleasure in seeing someone screw up.
timberwolf said:
Looking forward to a good race or two this summer, as you say summer is comming, and it's a good thing because it seems you guys don't race if it is too cold.

Brian, EAGLE RIVER it was -10 That was Feb.18, Remember so dont set back and say you guys.I am sure that you must have forgot that one too.
Call out there and ask whos saws have won it the last 4 years.
