Tree Freak
Didn't you know that rust never sleeps???[/QUOTE]
Well, actually I do.
Well, actually I do.
Didn't you know that rust never sleeps???
A lot of what is in the cataloge ( the diagrams) shows things pretty much backed up with separate cordage, the rope acsender is not. I find that rather odd.
There is a set-up of a frog type deal but that stuff is really getting gear intensive. The way to remain in an upright position throughout a climb is with a chest ascender. It can be done a number of ways and can be impractical as all get out when all you need to do is scoot up 65 feet through the tree.
With a simple srt system ( one hand ascnder, one foot acsender) you should be able to hit TIP from the ground. TIP would be the highest and center-most point right? That is usually straight up the trunk.
So you can cut while you head up, your foot can find purchase on the rope for support while you cut your way up and in one side. The hand ascender, properly back -up, is going nowhere; you can even flip it so you can come down to position and move around.
Up to TIP watch out, don't go through the crotch ( you would have to be stupid and weak), so now your just below the place where your srt runs through the high crotch, install your lanyard and slack off the srt enough to move a hair, you should be able to grab one last bite ( a foot or two) with the foot ascender and climb above that point to a TIP above the srt crotch.
Lots of way these rope grabs help out but don'r going betting your life on them.
GOD GAVE US ROPE WITH WHICH TO LIVE...and locking beeners to connect that rope.
You know I hear a lot about people not being able to stay upright but I had no problems today with just a foot and hand ascender... And believe me I'm top heavy...
Thanks for the tip on the book. I'll check it out.
staying upright while froggin it. Basically what you are doing is footlocking but you have a leg free( if you want) or you can use both and chug.
I n order to frog it you need your weight held from the chest area rather than the hip.
I'll do a little cutting on the way up with my Zubat hand saw but usually on srt I've got a running bowline tied to my tip and my my 200t hanging on the end of my srt line a couple of feet up to put some weight on the rope. Another reason I don't use the chainsaw on the way up is in case I were to be injured I don't want to have to change over to a figure eight or a traditional climbing system to get back down.
On the previous post. I am with you on that. The frog system employs three ascenders but from what I see you have a hitch to back you up no? I don't know if I'm ready to trust it all to mechanicals...
Not to get too buzzy but did you see the footage of the F8 revolver over there? Pretty slick system. I can see why they're saying the future is SRT. I want to get my head start now...
Does that young man in the video think he is going to be running some sort of saw up there at any given time?
SO his way to get around the force that which the friction hitch bites on the srt is lessened by the 8. Nice move but maybe to grand a scale.
I have used a CMI foot ascender for years. No problems, ever. Just remember to close it once you take it off your rope or it may catch your rope when you do not want it to. I found this out the hard way as I limb-walked out at fifty feet with a ftp about twenty feet above me. It was kind of "interesting" as I took a step and found my leg frozen to the limb as the rope grabbed the ascender which then grabbed my foot. One thing: The old ones had this webbing strap that got fuzzy very quickly and would not easily pass through the clip. CMI was very cool about sending me a set of the new Kevlar straps. They work better.
Got another question on the Pantin.
I have read that it can be kind of hard to keep it on the line, that if you don't advance with your foot just so it will come out of the ascender. Anyone have any problems with that happening? I think I am going to go ahead and order what I need to frog it up after I do my next job this week. I have pretty much decided to go ahead and buy another foot ascender and I'm trying to figure out if I want to go with a Pantin or a CMI.
It can be a pain and if you mess it you might rip your rope unlike footlocking.
You are not going to want two foot jobbies no. One would rip the other out of the groove each time and that would be fun.
A frog system consists of a foot jobby, a chest jobby and a hand jobby which has a strap to go to the foot that doesn't have the jobby on it. That should do it. And you get used to letting your foot " trail" the line through the jobby ya got there. Five feet is enough weight to keep it running through nice but everybody will come over and yank it out and say" do you want me to hold this?". That is not required as it runs good.
I bought mine about 3 years ago and I'm not sure if I've got the old style straps or the new ones. Mine are black and red and the ones pictured in the catalog now are yellow and black. What color are your new ones SG?
You have the old ones. Just call CMI and they'll send you the new straps, no charge. I'm surprised that your black straps are still OK, after three years. Mine fuzzed up after about two weeks, although I climb almost every gig, so they were seeing fairly heavy use.
Does anyone have the petzl foot pantin?
I am having problems with the adjustment strap creeping through the buckle. The strap that is below the cam. Any thoughts or Ideas on how to prevent this or am I doing something wrong?
Gets to be a hassle to readjust it halfway up the tree. I am a big guy so maybe I am too heavy for it. :lifter: