Whos up for a GTG 25mi North of Louisville KY?

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Well Andy it looks like we are going to have only 1 10x10 cant and the rest are going to be 8x8's. The 10x10 is the basswood, and the 8x8 will be cottonwood. I dragged my feet to long to get back over where we were cutting, most of the good stuff is gone. There was a lot of wood there too. Oh well, at least I got the good oaks and hickories out first)

Heres some pics of the cants I've done so far:


Looking good Frank.:clap::clap:
Thanks man, can't wait to start cutting it 1" at a time:)

I made a 8x8, 10x10 and the bastard size 9x9, to small to make a 10x10:mad:
Thanks man, can't wait to start cutting it 1" at a time:)

I made a 8x8, 10x10 and the bastard size 9x9, to small to make a 10x10:mad:

Frank you'da maaan. :clap:

So, now that you got Brad's "tuning" wood all milled up what are the rest of us gonna race with? :laugh:

J/K I think we should have enough "tuning" wood around to keep Brad off the square stuff this time. :D

Sorry been a bit MIA here lately got a lot going on and trying to get things ready for the GTG.
I am a newer AS member, mostly lurker, occasional poster, non professional, heat my own house firewood cutter. My main firewood saw is a McCulloch 10-10s, the only Stihl I own is my orange PPE. Am I welcome at this GTG? I've never been to one but this sounds like fun. Its a little over 4 hours from me, but an old Air Force buddy of mine lives near Henryville. I haven't seen him in a couple years.
Maybe this should be a week long event. The Knob Creek machine gun shoot is the weekend after.:hmm3grin2orange:

Boda, Everybody is welcome newbie or old salt young or “experienced” makes no difference… you’re welcome here. ;) Most of us are just like you, not a pro logger or “arborist” in the bunch. :cheers:

Your Air Force buddy is just a few minutes away (Henryville is 5 miles south) bring him with ya, I’m sure we can find a saw or two laying around for him to run. ;)
I would like to attend me and the wife for saturday. I can't commit untill a few days before the GTG but just in case, OP can you PM directions.

I think its around 10 hours for me.

There is quite a few names in this thread I would like to meet.

10hrs is a long drive for sure but it would be nice to meet the man. Only thing I can promise is you’ll leave feed fat and still grinning from the fun with plenty of new friends and memories to take with ya. :cheers:
Well after all the advice I received on larger saws from several folks here, I'd like to come to the GTG on Sat. Lookin forward to seein some larger saws, different brands and learning a bunch too!

Anyone bringing a mill (ie: Alaskan or similar??) I'm interested in seeing one firsthand. Got some oak on the place I'd like to try my hand at making a mantle/ table/ benches out of.

I'm a noob for sure but I'll bring the 290 and my 210 that I've used maybe twice :)

Headlyj, there will be plenty of saws on hand for you to test drive. I will have my stock (muff mod) MS460 and a bone stock MS660 here for who ever wants to give them a ride. I also have a brandy new 36” Alaskan mill that has cut exactly one board, so we can get that out and play with it also.
Frank, just wanted to say a huge thanks for the square wood. :clap:

Louie, just let me know when you want to get the big logs. :cheers:
If I not in the Field would like to come down.I got caught in
the fields last spring with the weather so maybe we might get
to come for a bit. Could I get directions in case the weather
works in my favor.


The fields can wait one more day.... come on down. :cheers:
If you are interested in some 40"+ seasoned oak to play with, I may have a line on some in Louisville. Yanno, something for the 090's and SP125's to play with. :greenchainsaw:
If you are interested in some 40"+ seasoned oak to play with, I may have a line on some in Louisville. Yanno, something for the 090's and SP125's to play with. :greenchainsaw:

Mactodd big logs are always good, shoot me a PM with some info. :cheers: