1200A service. No soft starter. :/ Watching the CT, with the entire saw blade buried, the highest I saw was 155 A. I'll look, but I know there is 3 starters to get things rolling, but haven't looked at any sizing.
I tried to talk em into a soft starter when they replaced their 200hp chipper earlier this year, even found em several for reasonable prices, but they didn't want to change anything up. They use the "if it works, don't fix it" mentality. The flywheel weighs 4k lbs on that baby. I'm sure the power company loves it when they fire up in the mornings.
I am however installing a AB powerflex 40 on one of their smaller motors for their resaw, just to give em an idea of how much better things could be. Freq drives are the way to go, IMHO. You can do so much with em. But the initial cost sux. Lol