You know this made me remember a time when we had this overzealous tree guy on another crew that liked to examine other crews worksites. I caught him walking our right of way looking at stumps and such so, I decided to have fun.I topped some trees to drop later and left them standing for a week or so next time I seen him he was standing at the base looking up at the 20 trunk shaking his head lol. We bumped into them at lunch and this kid asked are you going to cut those poles down and I looked puzzled at him. I said what do you mean and he said those in between us that have no limbs. I said they are clear aren't they and he looked away, I never told him I cut them after their crew worked out of site

This kid had maybe worked there 6 months and just learned lateral trimming, good kid but too nosy for his own good. We left a couple of stumps high that were notched toward the lines after cutting them from a higher point just to mess with the inspector