There are a bazillion stumps like that around here,and many more that are simply cut at a downward angle.
My Cousin makes a single Fall cut , though I have warned him. He learned from the same gent that taught his dad, and that man cleared several hundred acres of trees WAAY back in the day.
It ain't right, but that's the facts.
As for the "mini Chair" cuts, I think I have seen that angled back cut illustrated in an owners manual as a "How to".
I can't swear by it, but I do believe it was in the owners manual that came with a Sears black and grey Crapsman that I deliverd to the Brother in law, to replace the saw(Crapsman) I kinda sorta ran over:blush: and destroyed.
This was about 1994 or 1995ish.
Anybody got some of the old Crapsman saw tutorials from then?
It might be in another Saw Manual, but I know full well it was in a Saw "How to safely" that came with a new Saw, and that leaves one of 5 I have bought in the last 20 years, which rules out all but the Crapsman... the rest were huskys and a Stihl.
I actually got a "Reverse" Barber chair the other day!!!
20" Sassafrass that had a hollow above the cut.
Thankfully it waited untill I started away from the tree, and the chunk that got flung missed anything important.
Being somewhat rotten and frozen likely added to the matter.
All the same, it's good to be cautious, and when you hear creaking and popping start too early in the cut..MOVE!!!!
I'll dig around and ask the BIL if he still ha the Literature that came with that nasty old Crapsman.
Stay safe!!