It is amazing how many longtime loggers, arborists and firewood cutters(pros), don't have a clue about how a bar and chain interact when it comes to wear. They would not think of letting anyone grind their bar(I took the edges off with a file), or sharpen their chain( you will take too much off with that machine). But they buy chains by the dozen and bars monthly.
My favorite, and most respected logger, cut untill his seventies, and he would only work with 1 skidder operator. The others called him old and slow, but the board feet of wood he produced each year was equal or beyond any of them. He ran an 051 till the end, but I never saw the machine but what the chain was perfect, and the bar outlasted most other operators bars in usable time.
We can have our favorite brands of saw, chain , and bar, but unless we know how to maintain them, we are just wasting our time and money.