Stihl and Husky do to keep all the saw modders happy . It gives them something to argue here in the threads about.
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You hit the nail on the head here smokechase.smokechase II said:The 440 and 460 are different enough that I can't picture a large outfit not trying to fill both those market niches.
If you don't mind my asking, can you explain what the advantages of such a procedure???ccicora said:Have you done the muffler mod and fixed the plastic lock outs on the carb?
jstarnes said:If you don't mind my asking, can you explain what the advantages of such a procedure???
Also, is their any other information on the muffler mod and plastic lock outs? My local mechanic will not do any modifications or at least not at the shop. I haven't asked what he does at home.
That's supposed to be your dealers job to explain the differences to you. A good Stihl dealer would.460Ted said:Sorry if I made it sound like the mid range saws from Stihl are bad, that was not what I was tring to say! The mid range saws are most certainly good saws, I was just saying that for me (a novice when it comes to Stihls) when I looked over the specs from Stihl, there seemed to be not that big of a difference. Stihl should IMHO, list more of the manufacturing differences, things like case material, ports, drive sprockets. Car manufactures do this as well as motorcycle manufactures- a more informed customer will be a happier one in the long run. It's almost like Stihl wants the non-pro, to think the mid range saws are the same as the pro series, example a 390 is recommended for up to a 28" bar where as a 361 is recommended for up to a 20"? This tells someone who doesn't know better, that the 390 will be more powerful than the 361.
computeruser said:Saw breathes better, more fuel in more exhaust out = more power out of the same motor, with the added bonus of a cooler-running engine.
Do a search for "muffler mod" and one for "limiter caps" and you'll have more reading than you will know what to do with!!