To be brutally honest, the failure was likely due to bad/old gas,
just like in one of my earlier threads:
It took a few months for the guys at Bryan to cave in and put this turd
in the septic tank and go on.
Since we have absolutely no info/pics, there is not really any reason to
make any conclusions.
The original poster could have dropped his saw from a sequoia, ran cheapo
Tequila through the fuel system, left the saw in the duck pond for a month.
And no one here would know any better. I am tempted to call my friends at Bryan, but they will have no clue to this thing, as it all happened at the
Stihl rep level, and he finally decided to write it off as a "good will" warranty,
and let it fade away.
It is kind of scary that you guys would take a side/stance without any
credible info at all, and we still have damn little.
But that doesn't matter, now does it?