They think just anyone can do it, no skill is required! I bid a large
cut and lay, lightning killed oak 56 " dbh. Told him 900.00 + 150.00
for the stump. He said he had someone that would clean it up for
that! He called me apologized and asked if I would finish the tree,
the hacks got run off of. They fell limbs through his roof four big
holes and tore up a sculpture under the tree! I finished the stub
for four hundred and told him next time just take my bid and he
said he would!
Lets say you go bid. The old bag with the $450k home say "oh well this one guy gave me a quote on the back of a parking permit (seriously though, ive been told that) for $500". This is what you say in response- "well mam its simple really, i can give you a bid of $200 to prune and structure train this 35 foot pin oak, and any yahoo with a chainsaw can come up and tell you he will do it for $50. The problem is, after he butchers your tree and/or possibly kills it, you will be calling someone to come remove said tree for $600." thats the point at which you see the cheap old ladies' light bulb come on while she's thinking "hmmm $200 now or $650 later and no tree...."
works everytime
Maybe in Kansas toto![]()
works good in tulsa, sprinfield, and lil rock too :monkey:
I am working
for a different employer and don't want the trumpet blown here!
Hear ya.... I will NEVER work for another man again.
are you trying to say your boss is a :monkey: ? lol
Agreed, charity is just that, charity. It is done out of the kindness of ones heart for the benefit of one lesser off than ones self. but the added PR never hurts