Will you be at TCI EXPO in Columbus OH - November 8 - 11?

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The demo tree went up today. A Siberian elm that had it's top ripped up in an ice storm. tomorrow they build the stage.

The show floor was a flurry of activity. Most of the big iron went in today. the smaller climbing/rigging booths will go up tomorrow.
I'll be the one in the pinstripe suit and bowler hat. I'll be carrying a copy of the Times and a rolled up umbrella. Hope I dont stand out..
You'll fit right in, Thor :laugh:

TM set up the booth; hung out with him and Craig from Alberta and Koa Man and others. The Silky booth is one aisle over, so Hiroshi stopped by to talk saws. It's rollin; lots hapnin on the floor.
Treeseer speaks the truth. The floor is filled with so much gear your eyes may overdose. The Sherrill booth is the biggest it's ever been. Every booth is carpeted. Last night's feed fest was extraordinary and Cynthia Mills brought great energy to the room with her recognition speech.

The tradeshow floor is outstanding. Our booth, too. Guys are stopping by just to take a rest and hang out and talk and share what gear they've bought......kinda like arboristsite.

Come on down. Just bring more money than you think you'll need.
Ufortunately the tradeshow floor is not a WiFi hotspot, so we have to come back top hotel lobbys to pop in and say hi to y'all.
Tree Machine said:
Ufortunately the tradeshow floor is not a WiFi hotspot, so we have to come back top hotel lobbys to pop in and say hi to y'all.

A good suggestion for next year, huh?

Any pics of cool gear?

Well for reasons beyond my control I missed my flight this AM, and wont get there till tomorrow evening. Apologies to the people I wanted to meet, You'll probably all be gone by the time I get there.
Hope your having a good time.
Aw, Bummer, Thor. We've been talking about your arrival. What are your travel plans? Do you want to come over to Indianapolis and work with me for a couple days?

I don't know what your itinerary is, but if you need a place to stay for awhile, I would see what Elizabeth says. We partied with a group of Welsh firemen a couple years ago and my girl is forever endeared with the good people of Wales. I could pay you well if you are indeed the legendary treeman and want to do some work. I have every level of treework scheduled.

Guy and I have the room through tomorrow night and you're welcome to stay with us. I can come get you at the airport if you need. Just give me a call on cell, 317-407-5113 Very sorry about your missed flight. We'll do whatever we can for ya.
I got one of the Spiderlift guys to bring me up for a video pan. Will post when I get home. The show has come to an end and I'm meeting Koa Man to go have dinner.

Still awaiting word from Thor. I'll hang out til tomorrow if necessary.
Well tired of driving but it was worth it. Had a great time, hung out with Koa Man, Treemachine, and met several other forum guy's. It was a great show. But it is good to be home.
Arrived home late yesterday from the Expo. So much to see, so little time! Sitting around the demo tree and listening to the presentations is worth the the price of admission and then some! To describe the Expo in one word...WOW!!! It was a pleasure to have met other members at the show. TM, maybe one day you could show others here that your Silky Saw can do much more than just cut wood, eh! HC
I got home last night after flying a total of 11.75 hours, with a 1.5 hour layover in Atlanta. The flight from Atlanta was 9.25 hours. It was great finally getting to meet dtw902, Xander, Tree Machine, Frans, Nickrosis and a few others. Bought me a new saddle, some 11mm rope, a couple of Samurai saws, a set of those fantastic Bad Dog drill bits and some other small items.

I thank the guys at Woodsman for treating me to a delicious Mongolian BBQ, Tree Machine for the grilled shrimp dinner, and Xander for the steak and eggs breakfast. TM gave me a fancy throw ball line winder upper that he hand made. I'll try it out as soon as I can. Already looking forward to Baltimore in 2006.

BTW, ISA is in Hawaii in 2007. Talked to a couple of guys from Arbor Master who said they were coming and would be staying for 2 weeks. Hope a lot of you guys can make it. It would be fun climbing a palm tree.
Diane and I got in at 11am on Friday, so I'm sorry I missed most of you guys. Got to bump into a number of old friends, and had lunch with Tom before we left again arund 5pm.

It was better then Diane expected, so maybe ISA in the twin cities will be a longer. We will probably be able to tag along with the Ryan (Gopher) family on road, since he has family there. My wife is not much of the road trip sort, so the drive was a trial for her :laugh:.
JPS, Tree Machine and I were looking for you on Friday. You didn't sign in at the booth either. Was hoping to meet you....maybe in Baltimore 2006.

TM is looking for a climber who could help him out for a few days. I would have loved to go, but I got jobs this week that I cannot push back.
Koa Man said:
JPS, Tree Machine and I were looking for you on Friday. You didn't sign in at the booth either. Was hoping to meet you....maybe in Baltimore 2006. .
Koa, pleasure to meet you, however briefly. I wish you'd gone out with TM Saturday night; he got into the hockey game very economically :cool: while Joe and I got sticker shock and saw a Benny Goodman tribute band with a full orchestra at a theater that was built in the 20's. Seeing it was worth the price of admission, but the clainet-drum duo was a wild and wailing wonderflight of sound!!

An awesome experience. See you in Baltimore, and definitely in HI in 07!
My BiL lives in B-mo so I should get permission to go oit there :laugh:. Though chaperoned again.

Jim, drop me a line if you could use some help, we can work out some numbers.

BTW, I could not fine "the booth" when i got there. Joe Hash didn't either.

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