Another 1/4" overnight. Now I'm really glad I came home when I did.
We got another inch Saturday night.
Another 1/4" overnight. Now I'm really glad I came home when I did.
Is that stinging nettle I see in the pics?
We had 3/4" Saturday morning.
we are dry as a corn cob in December here. We need rain so bad the skeeters are coughing dust balls.
If it is and walk into them you wont forget. I walked into them a few times and couldnt wait to get into creek to wash them off.Is that stinging nettle I see in the pics?
We got skeeters something awful here too. Just step outside and they are on ya! Its been like a tropical rain forest around here.Skeeterz are plentiful, large, hungry, and brave here. I don't remember when I have been bitten so much in the mid day sun, even on fairly breezy days which typically keeps 'em grounded.