Will do. I sure hope they don't make my butt look big.:msp_tongue:
Black is known for making butts look smaller. Just don't wear lighter colors.
You can wear them in New York City where they like black. Be sure to also take a little black dress.
Will do. I sure hope they don't make my butt look big.:msp_tongue:
Black is known for making butts look smaller. Just don't wear lighter colors.
You can wear them in New York City where they like black. Be sure to also take a little black dress.
Uh... Thanks?
You going to the Rim fire?
washing them after every use isn't always practical either. If you get enough of the cutting combination...sweat, bar oil, dust, wood chips, another layer of bar oil, some snoose dribbles, a splash of diesel, a little more bar oil, some coffee, a few chocolate smears from donetto crumbs, still more bar oil, and an additional layer or two of sweat and dirt and diesel they won't wash clean anyway. Ever.
You'd need a new set of clothes for every day of the week if you washed every day! Better to just tough it out as long as you, and the people around you on a warm day, can stand it.
Plus if it it rains those clothes will be darn near water proof and i think the mosquitoes and no-see-ums leave you alone better too.
If your cutting clothes get really funky, and i mean to the point where the wife refuses to put them in her washing machine, just throw them down in a corner of the back porch and let the dog sleep on them. They seem to like that.